In one of my recent workshops (in Australia), I was asked this question: “How do you organize your photos on your phone, especially the photos you want to paint from? I have so many and I can never find what I’m looking for when I need it!”
Anyone else relate to that?? Great question I thought. And then I shared my pretty basic method. But wow! Her reaction to my simple approach was as if a lightbulb had suddenly gone off! Sometimes the simplest things…
So here I am telling you what I told her about my ideas on how to organize your photos. Like I said, my method is definitely not fancy. But, if it helps you to classify your photos so you have them at your fingertips when you need them, then that’s great!
Note: I have an iPhone so my methods are specific to this brand. However, each phone will have similar options.
So first, I use the Albums Feature to cluster photos of a certain theme, for example, Tasmania trip or Family. Related to this post’s topic of organizing reference photos for painting, I have three main Albums.
The first is called Painting Inspiration.
This album is where I move anything that I think may be used as a painting reference. I’ll do this in the moment ie right after taking the photo, or at a later date, for instance when scrolling through photos from a past trip, I suddenly see a possible painting. This album is the one I head to when I’m looking for painting inspiration!

The second album is called Currently Painting.
This is a bit of a misnomer. Why? Well, these photos represent art-making at different stages not just when I’m actually in painting mode. As soon as I select a photo and make a thumbnail or three from it, that photo goes into the album.
I didn’t used to do this.
Previously, I’d only add photos that I was actually painting from. But what I found was that when I was ready to paint (and this could be weeks after creating the thumbnails), I wouldn’t be able to find the photo. And I’d spend a frustrated hour or more looking for the damn thing! What a waste of time. Ugh.
So no more! As soon as the pencil goes on paper, that photo gets moved to this album!

The third album is called Photo Reference Used.
Again, I didn’t have this one set up until after an age of going crazy trying to find a photo I’d used for a painting but wanted to reference again. Once I found it, I didn’t want to lose it again and this album was born. It’s been sooo useful to have as I can also easily check what photos I’ve used in the past and sometimes, I’ll reuse a photo.

I also have albums related to themes I paint often – like Gallery Goers and Dog Walkers. I’m thinking of starting another one called Bench Sitters! By having all the images in one place, it’s easy to find a subject when I’m motivated to paint the theme.

A few other things that may be useful to know.
There are all sorts of things you can do once you’re in an album. Click the three dots top right to see the list of possibilities. For instance, you can sort by newest or oldest. You can create a slideshow. (This is great if you’re presenting some of your paintings to a group, a person etc.). Also, it’s here that you can rename an album.

You’ll notice that the photo at top left of an album becomes the default image seen when the album is closed. You can easily change this.
In the album, hold down your finger on the image you’d like as the album’s “cover.” You’ll see a number of options come up (all useful!), one of which is: Make Key Photo. Choose this and voilà!

I try to make it a habit at the end of the day to review the photos I’ve taken that day. (Yes, I said try because this is a habit I still have to fully develop!) I delete as many photos as I can. (I’m not great at doing this that’s for sure.) I also sort photos into albums whenever possible. If I see painting potential, those photos go into the Painting Inspiration album.
To do move a photo into an album, hold your finger on the photo. From the options that pop up, click “Add to album.” This will give you a list of your albums and also give you the option to create a new one. Choose the album and boom, the photo is added!

One more thing.
Each photo can be captioned. Once you open a photo, swiping up will reveal this option. Why do this? If I give a photo a caption, I can more easily search for it. For instance, when I was collecting photos with cast shadows for a tutorial on that topic, any photo I had captioned “cast shadows” showed up in a search. (You’ll also see camera tech notes about the photo and possibly where it was taken!)

I’d love to know if these tips are helpful. I’d also love to hear how you organize your photos so be sure to leave a comment.
Let’s all get a bit more organized! Being organized means less time wasted searching and more time doing the art thing!
Until next time,
~ Gail
PS. It may be obvious but I thought I better say it. I also have albums for Work in Progress and Finished Work.
26 thoughts on “Tips To Organize Your Photos On Your Phone!”
If you have a Mac computer, there is a can’t-live-without smart album named “Unorganized photos”. These are all the photos that are NOT in an album yet. Mine can get thousands in it! My first sort I just throw them into a top level album…vacations, painting ideas, family, etc. This, for me, is a quick action that puts them in an untitled album. Then, supposedly, you can go back and do a second sort.
This way it is out of Unorganized and into a master album where you can find them. iOS doesn’t have this album, but will show the results. A good project for TV time.
Thanks Vicki for sharing this feature and your use of it. And yes, there are different features in the desktop version of Photos. For instance, there’s the Folder option into which you can put albums so another way of honing.
I’ve done something similar, but will add “In Progress” to my stack. Brilliant. I also paint in oils, so I have Pastels and Oils as two different albums.
Hey Jeni – glad you got an idea from my post. Love the idea of separating mediums for your work. I know some people seaparte by subject (eg Portraits, Landscapes etc)
Just wanted to say that, you sound SO much like me in an Art Gallery. I can spend hours looking at the art, punctuated by a couple of visits to the cafe … and it MUST be a solitary pursuit!
Met a lovely man on a day trip from Bath to Wells, UK. Spent the day together, said Goodbye, gave him my card. He later contacted me from his home in Florida, & subsequently bought 2 paintings!
Have also sold work, that started with a meeting on a plane.
Jane Leverett-Coburn – from Bendigo, Victoria, AUSTRALIA 😊
Ohhh that’s so wonderful Jane!! I feel as if this is a comment to my post: You never know who will buy your painting!
Thankyou again Gail for a reminder of the obvious, I have this problem too and it definitely needs addressing. Sorting through 3000 photos is not easy although surprisingly a good brain tester to remember where certain ones are or which year you went on a particular trip or day to take these photos. Great tip and reminder once again you nailed it.Thx from Gwendolin Newcastle NSW Australia.
I’m long past the time of remembering Gwendolin with, ridiculously, over 100K of photos and videos 🫣 Good for you doing some recalling. I can sort of when it comes to trips but beyond that? EEK!
Thanks for these tips Gail. One thing I started doing is when I do a thumbnail of the picture, I then add the date of picture on the thumbnail. It has saved me hours of trying to find “that one”. Lol
Yes yes yes! That’s a really great idea Pamela! Brilliant in fact!
I’ve used albums on my iPhone for as long as I’ve had one. Never thought about using captions, thanks!
Yes, it’s another great way to help sort photos!
Now that I remember about the “caption” option, I can make thumbnails, number them, and put that number in the caption of said photo reference? It may not be always easy but it is a cross-reference? I’ve always liked the idea of a thumbnail notebook, started one then did not how cross- reference it to photos.
Great idea about cross-referencing Deborah! I would try captioning one eg Thumbnail 1, then do a search and see what turns up!
I’m truly inspired to now spend countless hours rearranging my photos! lol. Still better than going on a hunt for that one particular photo I took 3 years ago! Thank you Gail and friends!
Hah hah. There’s no time like the present to start sorting. Actually, a long plane flight is a good place to do this!!
Great, Thank you for sharing.
Just some simple questions:
What is ptg and what does caption mean in this topic?
Hey Susana, ptg is short for “painting.” I’m not quite sure what the other part of your questions means. Go ahead and clarify please!
Thanks so much for this post- you caused the lightbulb to go on for me too!
Whoop whoop Kristine!!
I do many of the organizing things you have mentioned with my photos, BUT, I didn’t know you could add a caption to a photo ! My “Inspiration Photos” album is getting a bit large and that would make finding a particular image I’m looking for soooo much easier. I learn so many new things from your site – many thanks Gail ! 😁
That’s so great to hear Karen. And yes, about the albums getting HUGE! The caption is helpful. I would use Inspiration Photo and then add how you want to caption it eg by subject or place perhaps eg Inspiration Photo – still life
I really enjoyed this blog, Gail! At present, I just have 2 albums, one for finished work and one for art references, but the art references is so huge, it’s really difficult to find what I’m looking for now. I had planned to break them down but haven’t gotten around to it yet. I was wondering if there is a way to do folders within the big art reference album, like for flowers, beach scenes, etc or if you have to create a whole new album. But I love your albums for In Progress and Photo references used. I also liked the caption tip. And I like the idea of separating mediums for your work. Thanks, Gail!
Hey Mary, glad you enjoyed this post! I don’t think you can create subfolders within albums. Like I mentioned, you can create folders on your computer and add albums to it. I think you’re faced with creating new albums. But there’s a really easy way to do it.
Decide how you want to divide things up eg Figures. Click “Select” top right, the make your selections (touching each relevant photo that pertains to that topic), click the share icon at bottom left, scroll and choose “Add to Album” then where it gives you the New Album option, click that and call it as you like. Then the selected photos will all go in there. If you like, when you go back to the main album, those photos will still be checked and then you can choose to delete from album. Hope that all makes some sense!
Yes, very helpful. I have some albums but for some reason never thought to sort my painting photos that way. Duh!!! And a great couple of tips that I’d never thought to use. Thanks bunches Gail!!!!
Awesome to hear Ruth!!!