Gratitude and the Search for a New Virtual Assistant
Finding a new Virtual Assistant didn’t go as planned… but here’s why I’m still grateful.
Finding a new Virtual Assistant didn’t go as planned… but here’s why I’m still grateful.
Sometimes, it’s the unplanned encounters that make painting on location truly special.
I recently had the experience of watching one of my demo videos with a friend and I cringed when we watched the part where everything looks an absolute mess. That unpleasant feeling led me to writing this post.
What you say about your art could be the difference between a sale and a missed opportunity. Let’s dig into that!
When it’s out in the world, your painting has a life of its own. Gail illustrates this idea using Michele Ashby’s painting, Tied, as an example.
Streamline your creative process with these photo organisation tips. Say goodbye to endless scrolling on your phone, trying to find that reference photo.
Do you call yourself an artist? Or do you have trouble identifying yourself this way? Here are some ideas about why that may be.
A blind contour drawing can help get you into the art-making zone. Take time to slow down, look, then really see!
You just never know when a painting of yours will find its home! Gail shares a story of how a chance encounter led to a connection. And a sale.
This February (it has 29 days!) let’s jump into a Daily Painting Challenge. It’s a great way to kickstart the New Year!
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