The Oldest Religious Sites You Can Visit With Culture Trip

| 2H Media / Unsplash
Gethin Morgan

Content and CRM Executive

Whether you have faith or not, there is something inherently spiritual about a truly ancient place of worship. Maybe it’s the power of time, or perhaps it’s just the wonder of humankind’s most extravagant creations, either way we challenge you not to get tingles all over when you visit these ancient religious sites with Culture Trip.

The ancient Luxor temple, Luxor, Egypt

Luxor Temple – Ultimate Egypt

The Sphinx and Pyramids of Giza might take the headlines when it comes to tourism in Egypt, but you could argue that the ancient city of Luxor is the most historically significant part of the whole country. The temples of Luxor and Karnak were seen as two of the holiest sites in all of Egypt, where priests and pharaohs would worship the gods. Luxor Temple saw several famous Pharaohs come and go, adding their own Nubian sandstone structures to the complex. The original temple is thought to be a remarkable 3,443 years old (approx.), making what remains today surprisingly well-preserved. The site is best visited at night, under the glow of candlelight, with the atmospheric Avenue of Sphinxes leading you to the temple entrance. That’s exactly how you’ll experience Luxor Temple on day four of our comprehensive Egypt tour. That very same morning you’ll also check out Karnak Temple, Luxor’s baby brother at a mere 2,000+ years old.

From US$2239

Next available from 23rd May 2024

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Cairo, Egypt

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Aswan, Egypt







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Relief of the Twelve Gods in Yazilikaya, a holy site near Hattusa, the ancient capital of the Hittite Civilization in Turkey

Yazilikaya – Majestic Turkey

Turkey is not short of ancient wonders, as our 12-day trip highlights. We kick off the trip by visiting two of Istanbul most famous religious sites, the Blue Mosque and Hagia Sophia – the latter being around 1,486 years old, spending time as a Greek Orthodox church, a Roman-Catholic cathedral and, eventually, a mosque. That has nothing on the remains of Hattusa, capital of the Hittite Empire, dating back to the Bronze Age. We’ll visit this ancient site on day five, most notably exploring the remains of Yazilikaya, a holy site found just a short walk from the city. This place is estimated to be around 3,200 years old, and the deities you can still see carved in limestone today offer an extraordinary glimpse into truly ancient religious practices.

From US$2699

Next available from 10th May 2024

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Istanbul, Turkey

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Antalya, Turkey







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Golgulsa Temple in Gyeongju-si, South Korea.

Golgulsa Temple – Soulful South Korea

This ancient Buddhist temple, thought to date back to the sixth century, is one of the only cave temples in all of South Korea. The idea of grotto temples was more common in India, and it is said that the monk who built Golgulsa was inspired by those in South Asia. On our 10-day Korean epic you’ll even get the chance to stay here. Korean temple stays have become a popular tourist experience, as travellers are given the opportunity to learn about Buddhist monk culture first hand. You’ll take archery lessons, work on meditation chants and try out the martial art of Sunmudo during your time here.

From US$3499

Next available from 24th Mar 2024

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Seoul, South Korea

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Seoul, South Korea







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landscape with balloons floating in the air


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