A Visual Journey Through the Peruvian Amazon

The Victoria Regia is one of the largest water lillies in the Amazon
The Victoria Regia is one of the largest water lillies in the Amazon | © Paul Gambin and Alejandra Orosco / Culture Trip
Josephine Platt

Commissioning Editor

The Peruvian Amazon showcases Mother Nature at her best: a living and breathing force to be reckoned with. Photographers Alejandra Orosco and Paul Gambin captured its vast beauty, along with the people and culture of the region.

The Delfin III Cruise Ship sets sail from Iquitos to the Pacaya Samiria National Reserve along the Amazon River
View of the Amazon from the top deck of the cruise ship as the captain guides the ship along the treacherous waters of the Amazon in Pacaya Samiria National Reserve
The cruise ship as it prepares to set sail from Iquitos

During their trip with eco-friendly Delfin Amazon Cruises, photography duo Alejandra and Paul captured the rawness of the Amazonian jungle – tarantulas and all – to paint an all-encompassing picture of the rainforest and remind us that “everything is alive”. Their trip saw them shoot profiles of monkeys and snakes, a community of farmers, fishermen and artists in Puerto Miguel, and their fellow guests on the cruise.

Kayaking excursion along a tributary to the Amazon river
Left: A Great Egret taking off from its perch Right: Passengers of the cruise ship stop off to fish for piranhas
A park ranger discovers a tarantula in Pacaya Samiria National Reserve
Left: A guide book with drawings of the local monkeys Right: One of the monkeys captured on camera
Disconnection from devices during the trip allows passengers moments of contemplation of nature and its vibrant atmosphere
Left: Abraham, a wood sculptor from Puerto Miguel who gains inspiration from the jungle’s animals Right: Margarita is a craftswoman in Puerto Miguel’s local handicraft market
Left: An Amazon sardine is caught while fishing during one of the daily outings Right: A taster session of local fruits: an amazon grape which needs to be peeled before being eaten
Left: The flower of a Victoria Regia water lily Right: A boa constrictor observes the cruise passengers during their hike through the jungle
A local craftswoman visits the cruise ship to sell her handicrafts to travelers as part of the relationship that the cruise ship has fostered with the local villages. The fibres from the chambira tree are gathered, dyed with natural and artificial colourings and formed into animal shapes by craftswomen
Delfin II is moored along the Amazon river while its passengers explore the jungle
Sunset over the Ucayali River, seen from the cruise ship
landscape with balloons floating in the air


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