Why Your Next Small-Group Holiday Should Be in Egypt

Great pyramids in Giza valley, Egypt
Great pyramids in Giza valley, Egypt | © Matej Kastelic / Alamy Stock Photo

Senior Commercial Content Editor

Making connections: that’s the essence of touring in a small group. And where better to try it than Egypt? Experience ancient culture, mystical landscapes and the warm people – and weather – as you explore these eight attractions on your next small-group holiday.

You can now experience Egypt with Culture Trip as part of a small group of culturally curious travellers on our specially curated 10-day Egypt adventure, led by our local insider.

1. Marvel at the catacombs of Kom el Shoqafa in Alexandria

Archaeological site

The Kom el Shoqafa catacombs are the largest Roman burial site in Egypt
© eFesenko / Shutterstock

Founded by Alexander the Great in 331BCE, the port city of Alexandria is where you’ll find a treasure trove of antiquities, including the ruins of the famous lighthouse and library and the intact Kom el Shoqafa catacombs. The largest Roman burial site in Egypt is constructed on three subterranean levels; take the spiral staircase down to two accessible chambers, which are richly decorated with carvings and statues in Pharaonic and Greek styles, with coffin slots in the walls.

2. Shop at the Khan el Khalili bazaar in Cairo


The Khan el Khalili souk in Cairo has been in business since the 14th century
© Alfredo Garcia Saz / Alamy Stock Photo
Soaking up the souk at Khan el Khalili, in the heart of Old Cairo, is a highlight of any trip to the Egyptian capital. This colourful market has been in business since the 14th century and is filled with spices, antiques, perfumes, jewellery and souvenirs. Put your bargaining skills to the test with the persuasive shop owners, and then you and your tour buddies can celebrate your wins with a refreshing mint tea at El Fishawi, a café near Midan el Hussein.

4. Visit the Pyramids of Giza

Archaeological site

The Khafre Pyramid is the second largest of the ancient structures at Giza
© Alexey Zarubin / Alamy Stock Photo

Located high up on the Giza Plateau 25km (15.5mi) from Central Cairo, the ancient Khafre, Khufu (Great) and Menkaure pyramids are immense. Climb up the narrow stairway to reach the majestic King’s Chamber in the Great Pyramid and revel at the enigmatic granite sarcophagus. The only remaining structure among the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, this pyramid will be the highlight of your group visit.

5. Step back in time at the Temple of Isis at Philae

Archaeological site, Historical Landmark

The Philae temple complex was relocated to Agilkia Island to save it from flooding
© Brenda Kean / Alamy Stock Photo

The temple complex of Philae was moved stone by stone from its original island to its current location on Agilkia Island after the flooding of Lake Nasser, and opened to the public in 1980. Take a 15-minute motorboat ride from Aswan and step back in time at this ancient site of pilgrimage and homage to the cult of Isis, the divine mother of Egypt’s pharaohs.

6. Admire the Temples of Ramesses II and Queen Nefertari at Abu Simbel

Archaeological site

The temples of Abu Simbel were moved to higher ground in the 1960s
© eugen_z/Shutterstock

Located near the Sudanese border at the Nile’s Second Cataract (shallow, rocky stretches between Aswan and Khartoum), the colossal temples of Ramesses II and Queen Nefertari at Abu Simbel defy description. The pharaoh chose the site because it was a place of pilgrimage to Hathor, the Egyptian goddess of love and joy. Hewn from the mountainside, these magnificent monuments were moved to higher ground during the 1960s, after the creation of the Aswan Dam.

landscape with balloons floating in the air


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