Why Denmark Has Just Put Funding Behind Contraception in Africa

the pill
the pill | © Nate Grigg/Flickr
Aliki Seferou

Once more, Denmark has taken measures in order to deal with the increasing numbers of asylum seekers coming to the country. This time, the government’s plan is totally different to last year’s proposal to take refugees’ valuables from them in order to pay for their stay in the country while waiting for their asylum application to be examined.

Asylum applications dropped from 21,000 in 2015 to 5,500 in 2016. That may have to do with the Danish government’s policy to keep asylum seekers’ valuables. Even though the proposal raised a lot of criticism from The UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR), the European Commission, Amnesty International, and many other groups, it was finally approved in January 2016. This year, the Danish government has changed course and is contributing a large amount of funds for family planning in developing countries aiming to control unwanted pregnancies and reduce immigration in Europe.

the pill

Ulla Tornaes, The Minister for Development Co-operation said that Denmark will give 91 million DKK ($14 million) to a programme that aims to increase access to contraception and family planning in Africa. It’s an important priority both in terms of foreign and security policy for the Danish government, said the Minister at a conference in London on Tuesday.

Ulla Tornaes, 2009 World Economic Forum on Africa
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