When's the Best Time of Year to Visit Indonesia?

Pink beach, Komodo National Park, Indonesia
Pink beach, Komodo National Park, Indonesia | © duchy / Shutterstock
Edira Putri

The extensive, far-reaching archipelago of Indonesia welcomes everyone for any kind of adventure imaginable. Discover the best time of year to visit Indonesia according to your objectives, or use our guide to decide where to go during your available time.

You’ve had it on your bucket list for a long time now. Diving in Raja Ampat, party in Bali, see orangutans in Sumatra, and other adventures Indonesia has to offer. The equatorial country may be fabled for its year-long tropical sunshine, but like everywhere else there’s a season for everything to make the best out of your trip. Increase your odds at planning a fruitful experience by knowing what to expect in each month of the year.


January is the wettest month in many localities in Indonesia, including Java, Kalimantan (Borneo), Sulawesi, even Bali and other islands in the region. Many tour operators in Komodo and other island destinations choose to close during this time, as boat trips can be challenging and not pleasant. It’s also best to not plan a hiking tour in January, as paths can be slippery, and the glorious sunrise may not be visible due to the overcast morning. Some scuba diving spots may have poorer visibility during this time, but in contrast, the far-flung Raja Ampat in Papua has distinctively calmer and clearer waters during the earlier months of the year.

Rainfall: 18 days

Temperature: 79℉ (26℃)

Raja Ampat Island, Papua, Indonesia


February may not be the ideal month to realise your dream beach or island-hopping vacation in Indonesia. However, rainfalls and raging seas are subsiding in some regions, especially in the northern coasts. North Sumatra and North Sulawesi see a perceivable drop in rainfalls this month, giving tourists a window to experience the rainforest’s vibrant wildlife without having to worry about the crowd, that is, if you don’t mind the risk of getting caught in light rain. Islands in Nusa Tenggara – Lombok, Komodo, Sumba, etc. – experience less frequent and less intense rain compared to Bali, so opting for these islands may reward you with a slightly sunnier island adventure. Plus, the famed Pasola festival in Sumba and Bau Nyale in Lombok is usually held in February, so there’s another reason to go further east from Bali this month.

Rainfall: 16 days

Temperature: 80℉ (27℃)

Stick fight between villagers, Lombok, Indonesia


The transition between monsoon and sunny weather happens in March. Rainfalls continue to decrease in most areas, led by the archipelago’s northern parts. Stretches of emerald and green appear fresh and shiny in the highlands across the country, especially as the month rolls on. On March’s hottest days, the temperature may reach 91℉ (33°C), so pack your summer clothes and sun protection along with a raincoat or umbrella for the intermittent sudden rains. Visiting temples and exploring heritage towns in Java is now significantly more pleasant as the chance of rain has dropped and the tropical heat is not yet at its peak. March holds one of the most important holidays for Balinese Hindu, the Caka New Year. During the New Year’s week, various festivals and rituals are held throughout the island, including the peculiar Nyepi Day, or Balinese Day of Silence.

Rainfall: 13 days

Temperature: 80℉ (27℃)

Ogoh-ogoh festival before Nyepi


This is the month where divers, surfers, and beach babes in general are most drawn to book their trip to Indonesia’s best island paradises. Favourable diving conditions are to be expected in Bali, Lombok, Komodo, and the Gili Islands. The second half of April also marks the start of long-awaited surfing season in Bali, Mentawai, and Nusa Tenggara, among other destinations. During this month, the southern parts of the archipelago are expected to be slightly warmer with less rainfalls than the north. That means the weather is finally conducive enough to explore the highlands of Toraja, the beaches and jungles of Lampung, and any other southern towns in Sumatra, Borneo, and Sulawesi. In general, temperatures are already rising as sunny days become more frequent throughout the country.

Rainfall: 12 days

Temperature: 80℉ (27℃)

Surfing in Mentawai


The start of full-on dry season opens up more opportunities for explorations and adventures across the archipelago. May can also be perceived as an ideal month to visit mainstream destinations like Java and Bali, a full month away before summer holiday and high season, so you’ll see fewer tourists and lower rates for travels and hotels. The nation’s Buddhist population observe Vesak day in May, with Borobudur temple in Yogyakarta holding the most festive celebration that involves pilgrimage and a lantern festival you don’t want to miss. It’s still an ideal season for diving, surfing, and island adventures, and now also a wonderful time to start hiking and trekking.

Rainfall: 8 days

Temperature: 82-84℉ (28-29℃)

Borobudur temple during vesak day, Magelang, Indonesia


Tourists begin to swarm the more popular destinations like Java and Bali, but it’s not the peak season yet, which usually starts in July. Sunny days and lower humidity can be expected across the country, especially the southern part. June is one of the hottest months in some areas, such as North Sumatra and Java, but no matter where you go don’t forget to pack sunscreen and light breathable clothes. The weather conditions are favourable to go up the mountains or down into the ocean. In many areas like Komodo and Gili Islands, marine life is at its liveliest as the waters are getting warmer and calmer, while better visibility makes diving and snorkelling more rewarding.

One of the biggest holidays in the country, Eid al Fitr, changes date every year but this decade it falls somewhere between April and July. If you’re travelling around this holiday, keep yourself informed on the things that may change during Ramadan, a full month preceding a big feast on Eid.

Rainfall: 5 days

Temperature: 82-86℉ (28-30℃)

Padar Island, part of the Komodo Islands


High season is in full swing. Be sure to book your travels, hotels, and tickets beforehand, especially if you’re going for popular summer destinations like Bali. The excellent weather coincides with European summer holidays and school holidays in the country, creating a mix of youths and tourist families, foreign and domestic alike. Get ready to fight the crowds for the perfect spot to view sunrise in touristy volcanoes or to take a decent picture in Bali’s splendid temples. Luckily, July is also an excellent time to venture off the beaten path, with the dry weather making it easier to go off track and into the wild. Go to the national parks to observe wildlife, meet orangutans in Sumatra, birdwatch in Sulawesi, or trek through the rainforest. The generally sunny and warm weather is also perfect to visit Mount Bromo and witness the Tengger Yadnya Kasada ritual.

Rainfall: 4 days

Temperature: 82-86℉ (28-30℃)

Mount Bromo volcano (Gunung Bromo) during sunrise from viewpoint on Mount Penanjakan, in East Java, Indonesia


The peak season continues until at least the first half of August. Booking ahead is still necessary, especially if you’re going to touristy localities like Bali or Java. Due to the excellent sunny weather, island destinations like Lombok, Komodo, and Gili Islands will be packed and it’s not unheard of for tours and accommodations to be fully booked. The rather centralised tourism activities in the southern parts of the archipelago make August a good time to venture off to the less-travelled. Charming highlands like Bukittinggi in Sumatra or Toraja in Sulawesi stay relatively cool due to the geography, making excellent travel choices if you mind the scorching tropical heat. Bonus point: Toraja is particularly lively with its notorious funeral ceremonies during this month.

August 17 marks Indonesia’s Independence Day, and celebrations can be observed across the country. You’ll be welcomed to join in some traditional games and events held in any given neighbourhood, or even participate in flag ceremony. Celebrating Independence Day at a mountain’s summit is also a popular activity among locals. If you don’t mind the crowd, hearing the national anthem echoing to the skies with breathtaking views would be an unforgettable experience. Aim for popular hikeable volcanoes like Mount Prau, Mount Pangrango, or Mount Semeru if you’re an avid hiker.

Rainfall: 3 days

Temperature: 86℉ (30℃)

Areca Tree Climbing competition in celebration of Indonesian Independence Day


Favourable for outdoor adventures in most localities as the number of tourists continues to decrease. September, especially the second half of the month, is a particularly good window to visit some popular destinations like Java, Bali, and the lesser Sunda islands (Lombok, Komodo, Gili Islands, Sumba, etc.). The hottest days in September may reach 93℉ (34℃) especially in Java and Sulawesi, while other regions may see slightly cooler temperatures. However, if you’re going to the highlands or rainforests, the mix of sunny weather and lush natural surroundings create a balmy condition favoured by a range of wildlife, making September one of the best months to spot orangutans in Borneo or Sumatra.

Rainfall: 3 days

Temperature: 86℉ (30℃)

An orangutan at Tanjung Puting National Park, Indonesia


If you’re planning on hiking glorious volcanoes in Java, Bali, or Lombok, October is your last chance before the rainy season kicks in again. Same goes for diving, as the seas may be more turbulent after this. North Sumatra and some other northern localities may already be seeing downpours that will continue to travel through the archipelago in the upcoming months. The chance of rain increases as the month rolls on, so you should make the best out of the earlier days of the month. Rainfalls may come intermittently in short periods, so be advised to take an umbrella or raincoat if you’re going outdoors, no matter how sunny it looks when you head out.

Rainfall: 7 days

Temperature: 82-86℉ (28-30℃)


By November, the rainy season has already arrived in most parts of the country. Tourism is in hibernation even in Indonesia’s most popular island paradise Bali and its surroundings. Travelling with boats and ferries may become much more challenging although not downright impossible, so it’s best to keep islands like Komodo or other Nusa Tenggara islets out of the itinerary. A pleasant and surprising exception awaits for those who don’t mind venturing to the far-flung Maluku or Papua (where Raja Ampat Islands is located), which have an inverted wet season to the rest of the country. Both regions have exotic islands and vibrant diving spots but are much less touristy than the Nusa Tenggara islands due to the geography and more expensive fares.

Rainfall: 12 days

Temperature: 81-82℉ (27-28℃)

Ora Beach Resort, Seram Island, Central Maluku, Indonesia


Intense downpours are to be expected at this point, especially in Java, Bali, and Sulawesi. Road conditions will be affected by the rain, so be extra careful when you’re driving off the main roads in main cities. Sea conditions get even rougher in many areas, so you may want to keep your feet on the ground, exploring cities or villages, eating, observing, and shopping your way around. Despite holding the largest Muslim population in the world, Christmas is still a major holiday in Indonesia, especially in Manado, where the population is predominantly Christian. The festivities can also be seen throughout Maluku and some main parts of Papua, which are still seeing a lot of sunny days despite the rest of the country being drenched in heavy rain. December is still an excellent month to go island-hopping and diving in Raja Ampat or Maluku islands.

Rainfall: 15 days

Temperature: 81℉ (27℃)

landscape with balloons floating in the air


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