The Best Game of Thrones Locations You Can Visit With Culture Trip

| Mike Benna / Unsplash
Gethin Morgan

Content and CRM Executive

No work of film nor television has set off the craze of setjetting quite like Game of Thrones, such is the effectiveness of the show’s world building. Visit the coolest Game of Thrones filming locations, from the icy winds of Iceland to the fiery heart of southern Spain, on these small-group Culture Trips.

Have you ever fantasised about storming the Red Keep of King’s Landing? How about evading white walkers on an intrepid trek across an icy glacier north of the Wall? Perhaps you’d rather a sun-soaked retreat in Dorne? Or an exciting culture break in the city of Volantis? Well, you can do all of that on these Culture Trip itineraries, which visit some of the most striking locations used to film Game of Thrones. Ok, we’ll admit it, there’s no actual Red Keep, or white walkers, and we cannot guarantee the presence of Pedro Pascal at any point – sorry – but this is as close as you can get to living your Westerosi fantasises in the real world.

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Dubrovnik and Split, Croatia

Of all the iconic Game of Thrones destinations, nowhere has won over watchers more than Dubrovnik. King’s Landing, arguably the most significant political stronghold in the whole series, is pretty much identical to the Croatian city, bar a few fantastical computerised additions. From towering city walls, built directly into the ocean, to the iconic red terracotta tiles of its skyline, there’s something transportive about this place’s narrow streets and old medieval buildings, so you can understand why HBO’s location scouts were enamoured. Our eight day tour along the country’s Dalmatian Coast ends with a comprehensive tour of Dubrovnik, but it also starts in Split, which itself is home to several GoT filming locations, including Diocletian’s Palace.

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Split, Croatia

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Dubrovnik, Croatia







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