Top Trips for Stepping Outside Your Comfort Zone

| © Sebastian Pena Lambarri /
Jo Fernandez

Push yourself to do something different on your next break with these out-of-the-ordinary Culture Trips.

Want more than the usual fly and flop with a good novel? Embrace a whole new type of trip as part of a small group of like-minded travellers, daring to try new activities in exciting destinations for the ultimate rush. From entering Petra as the sunrise kisses its pink perfection, to hiking across the Himalayas and cave-rafting in the Thai countryside, if you want to challenge your holiday status quo, these Culture Trips are the way to go.

Three hikers in silhouette against the orange sun in northern Thailand

Tropical Northern Thailand

Look forward to jungle treks and reviving swims through cooling waterfalls on this 10-day revelation of authentic northwest Thailand. Nothing quite prepares you for feeding an elephant hand to mouth – but that’s what you’ll do in an elephant sanctuary on this trip – after watching the sun rise over Doi Inthanon, the highest mountain in Thailand. Slip underground to raft through the largest cave in the country before a soporific soak in the balmy Sai Ngam hot springs, large enough to swim in. Hungry? You’ll sample street food specialities in Chiang Mai and feasts of sticky rice, pork and chilli with deep-fried pork crackling.

From US$1339

Next available from 18th May 2024

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Chiang Mai, Thailand

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Chiang Mai, Thailand







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A woman swings from a tall treehouse swing with mountain views at La Casa del Arbol (The Tree House) in Baños

Adventurous Ecuador

Eight days in Ecuador is all you need to explore the Andes, the Amazon and more. Our trip warms you up nicely with a comforting chocolate tasting session in Quito before the adventure begins with a hike around Limpiopungo glacial lagoon and a horseback ride in Cotopaxi National Park. Then it’s into the jungles of Banos, where you’ll get to go on the Swing at the End of the World and cycle the stunning Banos waterfall route. As we wind down to the Amazon, you’ll white-water raft down one of the river’s main tributaries and spot wild animals on a nocturnal rainforest trek. Don’t worry, you can soothe those well-worn muscles at the end of our trip in the hot springs of Kuyana Amazon Lodge.

From US$2199

Next available from 4th May 2024

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Quito, Ecuador

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Quito, Ecuador







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Additional reporting by Gethin Morgan.

landscape with balloons floating in the air


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