Top Group Travel Adventures for Young Adults

| © Thomas Barwick / Getty Images
Nick Dauk

Senior Travel Writer

Kick back with new friends on these unforgettable under-30 travel adventures with our most exciting trips.

You’re only young once and those passport pages aren’t going to stamp themselves. It’s time you venture out of your comfort zone and book a long-haul flight to the adventure of a lifetime. Don’t feel like going it alone? Unite with like-minded buddies by joining these travel groups for young adults. Trek through Jordan. Go on a safari in South Africa. Venture into the DMZ on the South Korean border and send your folks a photo they’ll never believe. Do it all while you’re young with these amazing under-30 travel experiences from Culture Trip.

South Korean soldier stands guard on the DMZ; North Korea is in the background

Traverse cities, mountains and the DMZ in South Korea

Imagine your parent’s faces when you show them photos from the Demilitarized Zone, a mere 558ft (170m) from the North Korean border. What’s a shocking adventure to them is merely a safe stop on this 10-day trip for young adults through South Korea. You’ll venture from the boozy karaoke bars of Seoul to the bike-friendly roads of Gyeongju. You’ll feast your eyes on the Bulguksa Temple, gorge on bibimbap and return home to show your family and friends the kindness filling South Korea’s borders.

From US$3499

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Seoul, South Korea

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Seoul, South Korea







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Lorna Turnbull and Siobhan Grogan contributed to this article.

landscape with balloons floating in the air


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