10 Things to Know Before Visiting Trinidad, Cuba

The view from the Museo Nacional de Lucha Contra Bandidos in Trinidad, Cuba
The view from the Museo Nacional de Lucha Contra Bandidos in Trinidad, Cuba | © Rob Oo / Flickr
Jack Guy

The Cuban city of Trinidad is a major draw for tourists, with sandy beaches, lush nature, and enchanting culture. Here is your guide to getting the most out of your visit.

It can get very busy during peak season

Don’t think that you can just show up in Trinidad and find somewhere to stay. This might work in the low season, but in high season there have been stories of tourists sleeping in the streets due to high demand. Book ahead of time to be safe.

Beautiful beaches are just a stone’s throw away

The city itself is incredibly pretty, but if you want a break from the crowds it’s easy to get away. Playa Ancon, known as one of the best beaches in southern Cuba, is just 15 minutes away by car.

Holy Week is a big deal

Head to Trinidad during Semana Santa (Holy Week) and get involved in the Easter celebrations, including the famous Cross Procession. Follow the crowds marching through the town and enjoy the colorful festivities.

The food scene is growing fast

A raft of innovative restaurants have been pushing the boundaries of the local culinary scene in recent years, following the relaxation of the ban on private enterprise. Now you can eat in private restaurants that import ingredients from abroad, making Trinidad something of a center for new Cuban cuisine. Check out Café Don Pepe, Restaurante San Jose, and Vista Gourmet, among others.

It’s a UNESCO World Heritage Site

The colonial architecture in central Trinidad is so well preserved that UNESCO made it a World Heritage Site in 1988. Make sure your camera is charged, because there’s a fantastic photo opportunity waiting at every corner.

Museo Histórico Municipal, Trinidad, Cuba

The nature is spectacular

Trinidad sits on the edge of one of the best nature reserves in Cuba, Topes de Collantes. It’s easy to take a day trip out here to explore waterfalls, go hiking, or ride horses.

Its Casa de la Música is the best in Cuba

Every Cuban town and city has a Casa de la Música, but Trinidad’s is different. It’s an outdoor affair, arranged on a wide concrete staircase, and at times there can be hundreds of people dancing, drinking and enjoying the balmy evening air.

The radio tower offers amazing views

Start from the middle of Trinidad town and head up the hill to the old radio tower. It’s a 30-minute hike, and once you’re up there you can enjoy an incredible view of the city and the surrounding countryside. Set off early to avoid the heat of the day.

The view from the Museo Nacional de Lucha Contra Bandidos in Trinidad, Cuba

Slaves made Trinidad rich

Just outside town, in the Valle de los Ingenios, you can still see the sugar plantations that brought great wealth to the city. Make a day trip to the Manaca Iznaga Tower, which was supposedly used to control the slaves, to get an idea of the history of the area.

It’s more expensive than other places

Due to the popularity of the city, with tourists of every stripe, you will find yourself paying more for everyday necessities than in other parts of Cuba. Travelers report that Trinidad is the most expensive place in Cuba to eat, sleep and party, so plan accordingly if you’re on a budget.

landscape with balloons floating in the air


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