The Top Art Galleries in Andorra

Sculpture by Josep Viladomat
Sculpture by Josep Viladomat | © Enfo / Wikimedia Commons
Esme Fox

Andorra may be more closely associated with ski resorts, mountains and shopping than with art, but you’d be surprised by the number of art museums and galleries it actually has. In fact, being so closely linked with its neighbour, Catalonia, it’s no wonder this tiny country has artistic inspiration. From small shop-galleries to art centres and important museums, here are Andorra’s top art galleries.

1. Museu Carmen Thyssen Andorra


The newest (inaugurated in March 2017) art museum and gallery in Andorra is the Museu Carmen Thyssen, which also has branches in Madrid and Málaga. The museum holds various temporary exhibitions of the works owned by the larger Carmen Thyssen-Bornemisza collection.

2. Escaldes-Engordany Art Centre


Sculpture by Josep Viladomat
© Enfo / Wikimedia Commons
Referred to by locals as the CAFE, this large art centre holds various temporary exhibitions throughout the year and also has a large collection of Romanesque artworks. Besides these, it also houses the Viladomat Museum, showcasing the work of Spanish sculptor Josep Viladomat, who lived in Escaldes for many years. The museum displays 140 of his elegant sculptures.

3. Galeria de Pilar Riberaygua

Art Gallery

Located in the capital of Andorra, the Galeria de Pilar Riberaygua has been open since 1985, and aims to showcase quality, high-level artwork in Andorra, as well as encourage young and local talent. It displays works by local as well as internationally renowned artists such as the Catalan painter and sculptor Antoni Tàpies.

5. Museu d'Art Sacre de Santa Eulàlia

Art Gallery, Church, Museum

Bernat Martorells Saint Michael, Martyrdom of Saint Eulalia and Saint Catherine
Wikimedia Commons
The Museum of Holy Art of Santa Eulàlia can be found in the village of Encamp, near the church of Santa Eulàlia. A type of art gallery, it displays exquisite pieces from various churches around the country. These objects include everything from textiles to paintings, and even gold and silver work. Showcasing skilled craftsmanship, some of the highlights of the museum include a Romanesque chandelier from Sant Romà de Vila and a 14th-century bronze censer.

6. La Llacuna Cultural Centre Gallery

Art Gallery, Concert Hall, Building

Located in the capital of Andorra La Vella, the Llacuna Cultural Centre is a huge 5,000-square-metre space, housing the country’s Institute of Music, the School of Art and the School of Theatre and Dance. It also holds various events such as workshops and talks. One of its spaces is the B’Art gallery, which displays various changing art exhibitions and works by the students of the School of Art.
landscape with balloons floating in the air


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