The Scenic Drives You Have To Take In Mauritius

i also like tractors
i also like tractors | © Rafiq Sarlie/Flickr
Rusheel Sakaram

One of the best ways to see Mauritius‘s inner country involves driving across some of the country’s 2000 kilometres’ (around 1242.7 miles’) worth of roads. Here are some of the must-see stops during your road trip across the island of Mauritius.


Located right at the entrance of Baie du Cap coastal village, this iconic U-shaped stretch was recently revamped. It even has a viewpoint visitors can reach through a narrow staircase. With only a few centimetres separating vehicles from the turquoise waters, this road makes for an unspoilt moment of pure ecstasy.

Baie du Cap D’Agde

Les Mariannes

le quartier Marianne

Bois Chéri

Completely surrounded by a tea plantation, this part of the island offers a picture-perfect memory of the inner-country. The narrow-winding road, coupled with the hilly topography renders the drive more vivid. Keep an eye open for the heavy vehicle crossing from time to time.

Bois Chéri


Located in the Rivière Noire district, the scenic views on the way to Albion captivate. A lighthouse welcomes drivers and resting on the verge of abrupt cliffs, this little detour is more than worth it.

Albion Mauritius

Grand Gaube to Mapou

Recognisable by the flamboyant trees paving both sides of the road, most of the road network on the northern part of the island bears similar resemblance. Seeing sugar mills lying in ruins will also be a part of the trip as this route is located in between sugarcane plantations.

Grand Gaube
landscape with balloons floating in the air


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