The Most Spectacular Places to Cycle in Mauritius

Bikers break in Mauritius
Biker's break in Mauritius | © Maman Voyage/FlickR
Rusheel Sakaram

Mauritius may not enjoy the notability of established biking nations, but it’s certainly an island of unique character, ripe for discovery on two wheels! From the welcoming people you will encounter to secret oases off the beaten tracks, the island will leave your legs trembling with adoration. Let’s hit the road in search of these little treasures this island furtively keeps.
Baie du Cap to La Prairie

This long winding coastal road is pure bliss for those seeking a challenging ride while enjoying the breathtaking view. The sea breeze caressing the neck is also very much enjoyable while crossing the many troughs and peaks of this stretch. Watching the magnificent sunset once you reach La Prairie is the frosting on the cake.

Sunset in Mauritius

Trois Mamelles

Literally meaning three mammaries, owing to the trident peaks, this volcanic treasure is paradise for two-wheelers. Leading to the foot of the mountain, surrounded by sugarcane fields, a dirt track makes you forget all the worries in the world. Feel free to help yourself to the sugarcane stems for a much needed glucose rush!

Trois Mamelles

Bois Chéri Estate

On the slopes of tea plantations lay a series of tracks leading to a stunning view on the southern coast of the island. Treacherous at times – crossing streams, rugged terrains or swamps – this place makes for a perfect bikers day! The track is found on private land and prior permission should be sought before the fun begins.

Bois Chéri Estate

Black River Gorges

When it comes to trekking, nothing comes close to the Black River Gorges. As the largest natural reserve of the island, it offers an ideal topography, warranting you to get off your ride at times to cross bridges or to get over natural obstacles. To spice it up, why not go for a dip in one of the many tranquil waters to get rid of the mud all over you!

Black River Gorges


As the former capital city of Mauritius, this little fishing village is the ideal place to have a “city” cycling experience. The paved roads, coupled with the seafront make this adventure more memorable than ever. You’ll definitely come across locals who’ll invite you for tea at their place!

Vintage bicycle in Mauritius
landscape with balloons floating in the air


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