The Most Beautiful Travel Destinations in Moldova

Maria Menegaki

If you are one of those travelers looking to get off the beaten path, Moldova will be your heaven. Hosting a diversity of landscape reservations and natural wonders, it gives you the opportunity to spend some moments of calm. Take a break from your daily routine, choose a sacred space and meet your inner self in one of the country’s many green destinations. Here is our guide with the very best.


Those who have been to Saharna want to return, and the reasons are quite obvious. Known for its Holy Trinity, the magnificent nature and the surrounding rocks covered by forest, it has a unique feeling of calm. Sit by the shade of the old trees near some waterfalls of outstanding beauty to enjoy the silence, thencross the brook and visit the monastery complex, one of the biggest pilgrimage centers in the whole country.


Padurea Domneasca

Being the largest nature reservation in Moldova, the Royal Forest includes several tree species such as oaks, willows and poplars. At the same time, it is home to many birds like herons that nest in the trees near Prut River, giving Padurea Domneasca a second nickname: “the Land of Herons.” Whether you go fishing, picnic, visit the bison farm or simply take a walk and breathe the fresh air, you will certainly not regret spending a day to admire the beauty of the north.

The Hundred Knolls

A unique natural phenomenon between the Prut and Nistru rivers, these knolls were probably formed by the seasonal floods. In reality, there are over three thousand knolls of various heights surrounded by mystery and giving birth to a lot of legends related to ancient civilizations. If you want to truly discover the charming world of rural Moldova, this is an absolute must-visit.


Located in the heart of the country, the most known forest in Moldova is made up of valleys and ravines hosting more than a thousand protected plants along with various mammals, birds, reptiles, fish and insects. Take the chance to see some endangered species, and after you enjoy the beauty in the wild, do not forget to stop by the Nature Museum for a better insight.

By Maria Menegaki

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