The Best Workspaces for Freelancers in Montevideo, Uruguay

Find the workspace that suits you in Montevideo, Uruguay
Find the workspace that suits you in Montevideo, Uruguay | © fxxu / Pixabay
Elena Artola

Whether you’re more productive working in a silent library, a relaxed café or in a co-working space surrounded by other entrepreneurs, here are the best workspaces for freelancers in Montevideo, Uruguay.

When it comes to where to go to work, most freelancers go through the process of discovering what suits them. While some can have a hard time focusing if they are at home by themselves, others can get too distracted in a crowded workspace. Some prefer to work in the same place every day to create a routine, while others enjoy the freedom to try new spaces throughout the week. Either way, Uruguay’s capital Montevideo has enough options to suit everyone.


Camelia is an excellent coffee shop that freelancers should consider. It’s usually quiet and has healthy meals for breakfast, lunch and afternoon tea. It has wide, shared tables and a gorgeous minimalist décor that’s perfect for avoiding distractions. It’s also a good option if you need to set up a meeting with a client. Currently, it has three branches, all in popular areas: Ciudad Vieja, Punta Carretas and Carrasco – another reason to make Camelia one of the best workspaces for freelancers in Montevideo.

Sinergia is the biggest group of coworking spaces in Montevideo, with five offices all located in Montevideo’s main districts. There’s an office in the heart of Palermo, close to some of the most popular public universities; one in Pocitos’s World Trade Center, next to the shopping mall and surrounded by restaurants; another in the heart of Carrasco, with access to all types of facilities; and, since this August, there’s a new Sinergia in Punta Carretas, occupying eight floors in Punta Carretas Tower. There is also Sinergia Design, meant exclusively for designers, which includes stores where the designers can sell their products.

Café Ramona

Café Ramona is a cozy café has two branches in Ciudad Vieja and Punta Carretas, two of the main business districts in Montevideo. It has excellent options, as it is both a coffee shop and a restaurant. Ideal for those who want to spend the whole day there; start by sipping on a sweet juice in the morning while catching up on emails, try some of the gourmet options during your lunch break, and keep your momentum going with a cup of coffee and slice of cake in the afternoon. There’s WiFi available, a tidy environment and even an exterior deck to enjoy sun and fresh air… more than enough to beat any traditional office.

Espacio Serratosa

This coworking space is in Ciudad Vieja, Montevideo’s oldest neighborhood and within the main business district. Another great plus of this workspace is there’s plenty of public transportation to and from Ciudad Vieja. Also, the cowork honors the neighborhood with its location in Palacio Serratosa, one of the most stunning buildings in town. Sociedad de Arquitectos del Uruguay (the Architect Society of Uruguay) gave Espacio Serratosa the award of one of the best office makeovers of the last 12 years. So this mix of old and modern makes a stunning environment to boost your creativity.


Yes, Starbucks. After many years of waiting, finally Starbucks has arrived in Uruguay! Great news for coffee lovers but also for freelancers, because (as in most countries) this makes a great workspace, with wide spaces, decent coffee at a reasonable price, WiFi connection and no one pushing visitors to leave. Currently, there are two Starbucks in the city, in Montevideo Shopping (Pocitos neighborhood) and in Arocena Avenue, Carrasco’s main street.

Cowork Latam

Close to Montevideo Shopping, this cowork is a great workspace, next to the mall and close to many facilities such as restaurants, banks, bars and more. Cowork Latam offers the option of paying per day to book either a fixed place, a flexible place, a whole room or an office just for a meeting and all at a very fair price. There are also angel investors among the cowork’s associates, which makes this space a great opportunity for small businesses and entrepreneurs.

Biblioteca Nacional

Biblioteca Nacional (BIBNA), the public national library, is great for freelancers who prefer quiet workspaces and more than ideal for those who work by themselves, as it’s one of the most peaceful places in one of the most busy areas of the city. It’s also ideal if you’ll need access to books to research any topic you may need, as you’ll be surrounded by them here!

Public universities

Some of the best workspaces in Uruguay are free, which is great for freelancers who can’t afford to pay for an office. The coffee shops and libraries in public universities make great options. However, one con to consider is that they can get a bit noisy at times, when students are working in groups or during their spare time. On the plus side, as well as being free and open to anyone, public universities also have delicious options at great prices in their coffee shops, so you can always fuel your productivity.

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