The Best Things to Do in Dilijan, Armenia

Houses in Dilijan
Houses in Dilijan | © ReflectedSerendipity / Flickr

Dilijan is a spa resort town surrounded by mountains and forests full of cultural, historical, natural, and religious sites. With an alpine climate, the town is a popular destination in Armenia and offers plenty of activities. Here are some of the best things to do in and around Dilijan.

1. Visit Haghartsin Monastery


© Edooart / WikiCommons

Located in the deep forest around a 30-minute drive from town, this monastery is one of the most famous places in Armenia. Built in the 13th century, this well-preserved religious site features an immense dining hall and various khachkars around it.

2. Wander through Goshavank Monastery


© harutune / WikiCommons

This religious site is another important landmark of the area located only a 40-minute drive from Dilijan Town in the village of Gosh. Monasteries and churches in Armenia don’t have an entrance fee, but you need to pay a small fee to visit one chamber in this particular monastery. The ticket-taker even occasionally organizes tours for visitors.

3. Travel back in time at the Amphitheatre


Dilijan Amphitheatre
© Armen.khachikyan / WikiCommons

Situated in the very center of town, the Amphitheatre is a scenic place to visit. Built in the ancient Greek style, the building is one of the newest buildings in the city. Come here at sunset to admire the warm hues “dancing” on the walls of the theater.

5. Hike in Dilijan National Park

Natural Feature

Dilijan National Park
© Armineaghayan / WikiCommons

Nature and hiking lovers should head to Dilijan National Park and admire all the unique biodiversity the park offers. The area is divided into three zones, of which one is a recreational area, and the paths are very well marked to the various monasteries, springs, and lakes of the reserve.

6. Explore the TUMO Center


© Tumo Center for Creative Technologies / WikiCommons

Dilijan is home to two very important educational centers: a United World College and the TUMO Center for Creative Technologies. The TUMO Center, with headquarters in Yerevan, is a fantastic place for teenagers who would like to learn filmmaking, animation, game development, and many other fields. Don’t worry if you are not a teenager, you can still explore the center and its library full of different language books, computers for you to browse the web, games, and other interesting devices to keep you entertained.

7. Spend a relaxing afternoon at Parz Lake

Natural Feature

© Ji-Elle / WikiCommons

Parz Lake, located only a 30-minute drive from town, is one of the most impressive lakes in Armenia. Besides spending a leisurely afternoon admiring the nature, you can also try the zip line that stretches over the lake.

8. See the ramains of Khanjyan Summer House


This is a circular villa by Aghasi Khanjian, the first secretary of the Communist Party of Armenia in the 1930s. Overlooking the city center, the summer house was built in the Armenian modernist style of the early 20th century, but today, only ruins remain.

landscape with balloons floating in the air


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