The Best Pubs to Drink Craft Beer in Bolivia

Santa Cruz Beer Company
Santa Cruz Beer Company | © Santa Cruz Beer Company
Harry Stewart

Craft beer is officially here. The global artisanal beer renaissance which has taken the world by storm over the past decade has found its way to Bolivia, where a number of breweries are producing quality suds for the discerning beer connoisseur to savor. From all corners of the country, here are the top spots to sample Bolivia’s finest craft brews.

1. Café Epico: La Paz

Cafe, Restaurant, Healthy, Vegan, Vegetarian

Homebrewed beer at Café Epico
© Café Epico

Most punters drop by this cozy café to munch from their nutrition-focused menu or sip on a cappuccino while waxing lyrical with the sports-mad proprietor. Others, however, come for the beer. They serve up the widest selection in the city, and discerning drinkers are able to sample almost the entire gauntlet of Bolivia’s artisanal beer scene in a single sitting. Best of all, prices are very reasonable, leaving budget travelers with extra pesos to do it all again the next day.

2. Café Restaurant Florin: Sucre

Bar, Cafe, Restaurant, Pub Grub

A longstanding backpacker institution in Sucre, Florin reels in the hungry masses with a solid selection of eloquently prepared international and Bolivian fare. To accompany these tasty meals, expat owner Ted offers his nationally renowned selection of heady Dutch- and Belgian-inspired brews. An amber ale, Witbier, and honey beer are available, each as delicious as the next.

3. Kropl's Bierhaus: Cochabamba

Craft Ale Bar, German

Cochabamba is one of the movers and shakers of Bolivia’s craft beer revolution, so it should come as no surprise to find an array of microbreweries in this sunny location. The best of the lot, however, is the German-style beer hall known as Kropl’s Bierhaus, which serves four different varieties of quality in-house brew. Live-music gigs draw the crowds on weekends and their sauerkraut-infused snacks always go down a treat.

5. La Boheme: Samaipata

Bar, Cocktail Bar, Craft Ale Bar, Restaurant, Contemporary

Drinking craft beer in La Boheme, Samaipata
© La Boheme

Quaint little Samaipata is home to a surprisingly solid selection of bars and restaurants along with a strong expat contingent and plenty of holidaymakers from Santa Cruz. For the best selection of craft beer, look no further than La Boheme, a trendy watering hole that occupies an enviable spot on the corner of the main plaza. Indoor and outdoor seating is available and there is live music on busier nights.

6. XOXO Restobar: Tarija

Restaurant, Bar, South American, Contemporary, North American, European

Tarija may be all about the vino, but there are some craft beers around for those willing to look. Try XOXO on the main plaza, which serves the popular Bolivia-based German-style Prost to a youthful crowd in a funky pop-adorned environment. Alternatively, the Irish-run Dubliner stocks Prost as well.

7. Extreme Fun Pub: Uyuni

Bar, Cocktail Bar, South American, Contemporary

After three long days on a clapped out jeep cruising through rugged terrain, travelers deserve a beer or two. The adeptly named Extreme Fun Pub (AKA La Llamita) offers worn-out backpackers some much-needed boozy fun after their Uyuni salt flats tour, at times even getting a little rowdy as the night progresses. The craft beer selection is modest, but the best in town.

landscape with balloons floating in the air


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