The Best Places to Spend Christmas in the Middle East

Christmas in Bethlehem
Christmas in Bethlehem | © Ben & Gab / Flickr
Jessica Harn

Christians and non-Christians alike have celebrated Christmas in the Middle East for at least 2,000 years now. From magnificent churches to lively Christmas decorations, the Middle East strives to remind the rest of the world that this is, indeed, the birthplace of Jesus himself and that the region will continue to celebrate this holiday both religiously and secularly in the future to come. Here are the best places to spend a merry Christmas in the Middle East.

1. Bethlehem, Palestine


What better place to celebrate Christmas than at the biblical birthplace of Jesus himself? Located in the West Bank of Palestine, Bethlehem is home to a vibrant Christian community and the beautiful 6th-century Church of the Nativity, making Christmas here one of the most powerful events of the year.

Bethlehem, Palestine

The Church of the Nativity claims this is the exact spot where Jesus was born | © denAsuncoiner / Flickr

2. Jerusalem


Another biblical holy city, Jerusalem is a magical place to spend Christmas in the Middle East. Sparkling with numerous churches around the old and new parts of the city, the holiness and powerful beauty of human spirituality will stay with you even after Christmas in Jerusalem.

Jerusalem, Israel

Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem | © Justin Schier / Flickr

3. Beirut, Lebanon

As it’s home to a vibrant and one of the largest Christian communities in the Middle East, Christmas in Beirut will not disappoint! From the giant Christmas tree in the main square to glittering lighted houses across town, Beirut’s Christmas is for those who need comforting holiday cheer.

Beirut, Lebanon

One of the many Christmas-decorated shopping areas in Beirut | © rabiem22 / Flickr

5. Alexandria, Egypt


Another city in Egypt that is home to a large Christian community, Alexandria is especially known for its Greek Orthodox residents who have celebrated Christmas for hundreds of years in this city. Home to the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Alexandria and all Africa, this church, with its white-washed exterior and dazzling Greek Orthodox imagery on the inside, will amaze anyone who wants a more traditional Christmas service.

Alexandria, Egypt

Coptic Christians and Greek Orthodox Christians have had a long history in Egypt | © Andrew Crump / Flickr

6. Dubai, United Arab Emirates


Home to one of the most diverse and colorful expat communities in the Middle East, Dubai won’t disappoint for Christmas! From its Baptist Church to the Armenian Church, from the Christmas tree decorations in all the shopping malls and hotels to the enormous ice skating rink in Dubai Mall, there will be no shortage of holiday fun in Dubai for Christmas!

Dubai, UAE

The glittering Christmas tree at the Atlantis Resort | © Sarah Ackerman / Flickr

7. Amman, Jordan


Amman is also home to a vibrant Christian community, and the Christmas season makes the city all the more wonderful to visit. From the classic Christmas bazaars across town and the Christmas tree lighting to the sound of church bells and the colorful Christmas lights, the only thing missing for Christmas in Amman is the snow!

Amman, Jordan

Amman’s sweet shops will be filled with Christmas cookies for the holidays | © JLovesCoffee / Flickr

landscape with balloons floating in the air


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