The Best Places For Street Food In Chișinău, Moldova

Maria Menegaki

If you want to feel like a local, you need to eat like a local. If you visit Moldova, you ‘ll soon realize how popular and tasty street food can be. With options like wrapped hot dogs and fresh popcorn on every corner, there is no way that you won’t find something quick yet delicious to satisfy your hunger. Take a look at our guide to Chișinău‘s best spots for street food.

Pizza with Funghi Porcini l

Funny Bistro

Right in the center of the city, you will surely notice a green and yellow building. Funny Bistro is popular for its delicious snacks served in disposable containers so that you can take them with you if you’re in a hurry. Otherwise, climb up to the second floor and enjoy your meal there.
Address & telephone number: 31 August 1989 str., Chișinău, +373 22220681

banitsa l

If you’re into Bulgarian cuisine or simply like homemade cakes, then Baniţa din Basarabia is for you. Using family recipes, people there certainly know how to make the best traditional Bulgarian delights. If you pass by, take a break and grab a fresh layered pastry or a yummy bun with some coffee and go to Valea Morilor park; it will be a walk to remember.
Address & telephone number: str. Mihail Kogalniceanu 62, Chișinău, +373 79221177

Blueberry Streusel Muffins l


If you prefer something healthy yet irresistable, do yourself a favor and visit this place. Using only the finest ingredients, OKY DOKY Cafe can provide you with a variety of tasty pleasures of exceptional quality. Burrito or hot dog, cake or muffin, donut or cookie, anything you might choose will not disappoint you.
Address & telephone number: str. Bucuresti 41, Chișinău, +37369562688


As you’re wandering through the city, you’ll have the chance to taste the finest authentic Turkish cuisine. Although considered a fast food restaurant, Kebabos offers some fresh and healthy snack options. All you have to do is choose your favorite flavor and dive into a world of pleasure.
Watch out for: the Kebabos specials
Address & telephone number: str. Pushkin, 28, Chișinău and M.Varlaam, 58, Chișinău,+373 79622622

Tornado Potato. l

Twist Potato Moldova

One of the most popular snacks in Seoul and other major Korean cities, twist potato is made from natural spices and potatoes cut in a spiral shape by a special device. Thanks to this innovative technology, also brought in Moldova, you may now try this heavenly delight.
Address & telephone number: Alexander Pushkin 22, Chișinău, +373 60570002

landscape with balloons floating in the air


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