The 7 Best Meditation Retreats in Laos

Monk, Luang Prabang
Monk, Luang Prabang | gg-foto/Shutterstock

Laos is a country deeply steeped in Buddhist culture. Several temples offer meditation opportunities with the monks. While the tourism infrastructure is not yet offering many all inclusive meditation retreats, there are still many great teachers and organizations ready to help you tune in and relax in Laos.

1. Luang Prabang Nature and Meditation Tour

Eco Hotel

Kamu Lodge
© Kamu Lodge/

Luang Prabang Nature and Meditation Tours are offering a week-long retreat in November 2018 held at Kamu Lodge, which is accessible only by boat. Participants will prepare morning alms for the monks, meditate at Kuang Si Falls and local temples, relax with traditional massage and enjoy lunch in a traditional bamboo hut among the rice paddies. Included in the retreat cost is a $200 donation to the Lao Friends Hospital for Children.

2. Luang Prabang Yoga

Yoga Studio

Mediation at Utopia with Luang Prabang Yoga
Luang Prabang Yoga

Luang Prabang Yoga is a cooperative of independent yoga teachers that offers twice daily yoga classes. Morning classes are offered at Utopia on their riverside patio, and evening classes are held in the studio on the second floor of Sena Steakhouse. Styles range from hatha, vinyasa, Ashtanga and yin. Pranayama breath work classes and meditation classes are available as well. Luang Prabang Yoga runs four-day retreats in Nong Khiaw from October through March

3. Nomad Yoga Vientiane

Yoga Studio

Nomad Yoga
Rebekka Lea, Nomad Yoga

Nomad Yoga offers vinyasa, Hatha and prana flow yoga classes. Run by teacher and healer Rebekka Lea Larsen, who says, “We are hoping [Laos] will become a yoga destination preferred to the crowded Chiang Mai.” With only six students maximum per class, you are guaranteed individual attention, but make a reservation ahead of time because spots can fill up fast. Yoga classes are offered at the studio, and Energy Healing and Key Abundance healing is offered by Rebekka at Tangerine Garden Spa.

5. Vientiane Yoga Studio

Yoga Studio

Vientiane Yoga Studio
used with permission of Vientiane Yoga Studio
Vientiane Yoga Studio offers daily yoga classes and a free zen meditation class on Saturday mornings. Classes include beginner yoga, Hatha, flow, core, Tai Chi and Chakra Yoga, which is a class to help connect mind, body and soul and learn about the subtle body and how to open up and align chakras. The studio also offers workshops such as Shaolin Secrets of Stretching and Chakra Healing Workshop.

6. Vientiane Ashtanga Yoga

Yoga Studio

Dancer Pose
© jesslef/Pixabay

You don’t need any prior experience to dive deep into the practice of Ashtanga Yoga. The monthy two-day intensive offered at Vientiane Ashtanga Yoga with Paulina will teach you everything you need to know to start your own practice. For seasoned veterans, mysore practice is Monday to Friday 6 a.m. to 9 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. A guided class is offered Saturday mornings. Reserve your spot for vegan lunch held in the beautiful gardens surrounding the studio.

7. Emily Rose Yoga

Yoga Studio

Wat Phou
© Adam Jones Adam63 / WikiCommons

Australian based yoga instructor and her sister-in-law Vonsesili (Tiak) Saysana are hosting a week-long yoga retreat at La Folie Lodge on Done Daeng island in Champasak, near Wat Phou. Ten percent of the registration fee will go toward community projects on the island. Guests will enjoy daily yoga and Buddhist workshops and ceremonies and go on sightseeing trips to 4,000 Islands and the Bolevan Plateau.

landscape with balloons floating in the air


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