The Best Guided Tours in Latvia

Latvian nature
Latvian nature | © Liga Eglite/Flickr
Kasparas Asmonaitis

Even though Latvia is a small country, there are plenty of attractions and amazing spots, from nature to manor houses to old cities. The best way to experience Latvia to the fullest in a limited time is through these amazing guided tours. Let the most qualified guides in Latvia to introduce you to this Baltic gem.

Riga rooftop tour

One of the best ways to see the beauty of Riga is from up high, and the Riga rooftop tour offers just that. You will be taken to various high spots in Riga where you will enjoy wonderful rooftop views. It includes the trip to Riga TV Tower, which is the highest tower in the European Union.

Rooftops in Riga

11-day cycling tour through the Baltics

Kemeri and Cena bog walks

Kemeri National Park is without a doubt one of the Latvian nature highlights, so if you are into wildlife, make sure to find some time to visit this wonderful place. This tour focuses on spectacular Latvian bogs, but it also goes to the Baltic Sea where you can meet the local fishermen.

Rooftops in Riga

Sigulda Day Tour

Sigulda is probably the biggest tourist attraction in Latvia, as it has everything from medieval castles to spectacular nature to lovely people! Take this tour from Riga and visit the most important parts of Sigulda as well as some hidden spots that only locals know about. The guides are real professionals, and they know many interesting stories about the Sigulda region and all the mystical castles.

Taste Latvian beer

If you want to know more about Latvian beer (and you should if you enjoy beer), there is no better way to do it than this tour. You will be taken to different Latvian breweries to see how the beer is made. Of course, you will be able to try it as well! Also, after all the tasting is done, you will visit the Cēsis Medieval Castle ruins, which is one of the tourist highlights of Latvia.

Rooftops in Riga

Secret Soviet bunker

People who are interested in WWII must take this opportunity to visit Līgatne Bunker, which was one of the top-secret bunkers of the Soviet Union. Also, this tour takes you to the frontline of the historic WWII battle between Latvia and the Soviets. On top of that, there are many weapons, vehicles, and other war-related items left in this zone.

Baltic Sea coast and Jūrmala seaside resort

Jūrmala is one of the most popular resort towns in Latvia, so it is definitely worth visiting, especially if you enjoy long walks by the sea! This tour will not only take you to Jūrmala but will also introduce you to some fisherman villages that are located close by. Also, you will get to see some wild animals and birds in natural parks and cycle in a beautiful forest.

Kayaking and a Latvian Sauna

If you want to get more familiar with the Latvian countryside in an active way, kayaking is probably the best choice. During this wonderful trip, you will kayak in the river Ogre, surrounded by Latvian nature. After that, you will arrive at a lovely spot with a local Latvian sauna – the best way to relax after a long and active day!

Karosta Naval Port Prison

The Karosta Naval Port Prison was featured in the U.S. TV show, Ghost Hunters International, as one of the most haunted places in the world, so if you want to have a spooky time in an old deserted building, this tour is just for you! You will be able to walk in the old secret tunnels and spend a part of the night in the prison itself.

Bobsleigh ride

The bobsleigh trail in Sigulda is one of the few places in the world where you can experience a true bobsleigh ride. Professionals will race you through this wonderful track with 16 corners. It is a must-do activity for people who are looking for some serious thrills.

landscape with balloons floating in the air


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