The Best Day Trips from Riga, Latvia

Rundāle Palace
Rundāle Palace | © Kārlis Dambrāns /Flickr
Kasparas Asmonaitis

Riga is the top destination for tourists in Latvia because of its rich history, stunning architecture, and lively nightlife. It is also popular because it is the perfect location to take day trips to the most interesting spots across the country, including sandy beaches and national parks.

1. Jūrmala

© Sir, Rony/Flickr

2. Rundāle Palace

© Kārlis Dambrāns /Flickr

3. Kemeri National Park

Park, Spa

© GRID Arendal /Flickr

5. Cēsis


© Graham Follow /Flickr

6. Salaspils Concentration Camp

People who are interested in history, especially WWII, should definitely visit Salaspils Concentration Camp, which was built by the Nazis in 1941. This place is surrounded by a lot of tragedy, including many deaths of innocent children, so visitors should prepare to be shocked. Rumbula Forest Massacre Memorial, which was established to pay tribute to all the victims of the Holocaust, is also located close to Salaspils. This day-trip is a great way to learn more about the most tragic period of humans’ history.

Salaspils novads, Salaspils pilsēta, Latvia, +371 67 700 449

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7. Liepāja

© Udo Springfeld Follow/Flickr
landscape with balloons floating in the air


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