The Best Day Hikes Around La Paz, Bolivia

Moon Valley from above
Moon Valley from above | © Guttorm Flatabø / WikiCommons
Harry Stewart

From casual strolls to adventurous treks, day hikes around La Paz offer phenomenal views of natural landscapes.

Some travel to La Paz for the fascinating indigenous culture, while others come for the booze-fueled fiestas. Outdoorsy types, however, may have a different objective in mind: to hike the marvelous landscapes of the Andes. Rather than jumping straight into a multi-day trek or a demanding mountain climbing foray, it’s wise to undertake a few easy acclimatization hikes first. Here are the best around town.

1. The Valle de la Luna


Valle de la Luna Hiking La Paz
© Guttorm Flatabø / WikiCommons

To ease into things as you adjust to the altitude, take a leisurely hour-long stroll around the lunar-like landscapes of the aptly named Moon Valley. We wouldn’t classify this tiny trail as “hiking” per se, but the scenery is spectacular nonetheless. Eons of wind and rain have caused its clay and sandstone surface to erode into a series of strange pointy spires, which creates a striking and surreal effect.
Independent travelers can grab any southbound bus (3 BOB / US$0.50) from the Prado in the center of La Paz marked “Mallasa” or “Calacoto.” If taking the latter, disembark at Calle Ocho de Calacoto and change to a Mallasa bus. Alternatively, a taxi should set you back 35 BOB (US$5) each way.

2. Palca Canyon

Park, Natural Feature

Palca Canyon hiking la paz
© Harry Stewart/Culture Trip
Meandering through the tranquil green meadows of Palca and into its dramatic sandstone canyon is a quintessential La Paz day trip. Natural splendor aside, the journey provides a fascinating glimpse into rural Bolivian life.
The gentle five-hour downhill excursion can be enjoyed both independently or as part of a tour. If going without a guide, grab any minibus from the center marked Uni and jump out at the village. Next, head downhill back towards the way you came and into the gaping mouth of the canyon. From here, cruise through the biggest canyon corridor along the river until you pop out at the other side.
A short hike past the exit is the mystical Valle de las Animas (Spirit Valley), a mind-boggling labyrinth of tapered sandstone spires. You’ll inevitably get lost, so head back downhill when you’re done in order to escape the maze.

4. Chacaltaya

Natural Feature

Nevado Chacaltaya hiking la paz
© Felipe Ernesto / Flickr

Ever dreamed of climbing a sky-high mountain even though you’re no athlete? Well, at Chacaltaya you can do just that. This 17,700-foot (5,395-meter) peak requires minimal physical effort to summit. There’s no public transport, so grab a tour with a local agent that will drop you off near the top. From there, it’s a brief uphill walk to the peak, at which point you’ll be struggling to breathe only due to the thin mountain air. A sad fact: Chacaltaya was the world’s highest ski resort until its glacier fully melted due to climate change back in 2009. Visitors can still view the remnants of Bolivia’s only snowfield today.

5. Pico Austria

Natural Feature

Tuni Cordoriri pico austria hiking bolivia
© chesterphotography / pixabay

For the best possible vantage point of the Cordillera Real, nowhere within a day trip of La Paz beats the stunning 360-degree panorama of Pico Austria. Again, it’s remote so you’ll need a tour (see below) to get there. At 17,454 feet (5,320 meters), Pico Austria falls just short of Chacaltaya, but that doesn’t mean it’s a cinch to reach. Hikers must tackle a steep four-hour ascent from the trailhead, entailing around 3,000 feet (1,000 meters) of altitude gain. Pro tip: Ensure you’ve acclimatized before giving this a try. It’ll all be worth it at the top, though, as the views of the majestic mountain range are – literally and figuratively – breathtaking.

Further afield

Other snow-clad hiking options abound throughout the Cordillera Real, all of which you’ll need an agency to reach. Laguna Arteza, Arkhata, and Kellhua are a few solid options.

The glaciers and lagoons around Huayna Potosi and Illimani make for an excellent day out as well.

Lagoon in front of Huayna Potosi

Choosing a travel agency

Numerous agencies on Calle Sarganaga offer these excursions. Prices fluctuate widely depending on the number of people in your group.

To travel with the locals for an uber-cheap rate, check out the following Bolivian-oriented agencies, which depart on weekends and public holidays only: Juventud Extreme, Bolivia In Your Hands, Wanderlust Tourismo 591, and YAT Bolivia.

Boutique agencies La Paz on Foot and Solace both cater to the gringo crowd and garner rave reviews.

Tips for independent hikers

Bring a fully charged cell phone and download an offline map to use with your GPS. These hikes may be simple enough, but you still don’t want to get lost.

Obviously, you’ll need comfy shoes, sun protection, and plenty of water and snacks.

If you’re planning to hike through a valley or canyon, avoid doing so if there is any possibility of heavy rain. Flash floods are common in La Paz, and they can be deadly.

A small flashlight is probably a good idea as well, just in case.

landscape with balloons floating in the air


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