The Best Art Galleries In Trinidad & Tobago

Maria Menegaki

From cosmopolitan cities to pristine beaches, the twin-island republic of Trinidad and Tobago has a bit of everything for everyone. Explore the fascinating local art market at the National Museum to view the country’s best artwork, and complete your experience at the finest galleries – most of which you will find in the capital city, Port of Spain.

Piece of Ruthven ‘Bari’ Walkins

1. Webcraf Concepts

Art Gallery

Their motto is “If you conceive it, we create it,” and a visit will reveal why. Webcraf Concepts was formed to market the diverse world of art in the most unique ways. Initially producing paintings and hand-painted t-shirts, it grew to give artists the opportunity of displaying and selling a sample of their exclusive work. If you’ve always wanted to get in touch with your creative side, do not miss Art & Wine taking place at the studio of the talented local artist Ruthven “Bari” Walkins on the first weekend of each month where you will learn how to create masterful pieces with complimentary wine and a delightful buffet for added inspiration.

2. Medulla


Established to carry on and develop the traditions of Aquarela Galleries, Medulla provides a core space for art appreciation, education, dialogue and critique with public participation through exhibitions, workshops and forums. Subscribe to their list to get in touch with the work both of established and emerging artists and discover art as social expression and a medium for therapy and growth.

37 Fitt Street, Woodbrook , Port of Spain, +1 868 740 7597 /+1 868 622 1198

3. Art Society

Art Gallery

Founded in 1943, this is the oldest established art organization in the Caribbean that nurtures, promotes and protects the visual arts. Art Society of Trinidad & Tobago was influenced by a small group of painters, poets and writers, the pioneering Society of Trinidad Independents and born out of the idea that instead of being a privilege for few, art should be available to all. Enjoy the annual show of new work including paintings, drawings and sculpture and check out the teaching seminars, workshops or other exciting activities it hosts.

4. Creative Ceramics Ltd.

Art Gallery

101 Art Gallery
© Courtesy of 101 Art Gallery
This space dedicated to the creation of art and the promotion of local culture is another great option for art enthusiasts. View some amazing pieces on display, filled with imagination and distinguished by the wonderful use of colors and textures.


Owned by Mark Pereira, the gallery took its name from its original street address. Over the years, 101 has developed an excellent reputation, offering precious paintings from private collections and focusing on a few gifted artists. From figurative watercolors and stylized realist landscapes in acrylic to semi-abstract masterpieces, take the chance to view and purchase some of the items on sale which can also be shipped internationally.

84 Woodford Street, Newtown, Port of Spain, 868 628 4081

5. The Tobago Art Gallery


Brainchild of Martin Superville, this gallery is a work of art by itself. Located at the edge of a large pond in a peaceful wooded area, The Tobago Art Gallery comprises a collection of structures painted in bold colors and provides a permanent venue for Superville’s work, as well as a meeting point for local artists. After your visit, relax at the outdoor Tea Garden upstairs for a refreshment among lush tropical plants.
landscape with balloons floating in the air


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