This is the Secret Beauty Ritual that is Native to Hawaii

Woman with head lei
Woman with head lei | © Anthony Tran / Unsplash
Marjorie Perlas

Contributing Writer

Ever wonder where that beautiful island skin and silky smooth hair comes from?

Though native Hawaiians didn’t need many beauty routines back in ancient times, the harsh sun and salt in the air was a force to be reckoned with. They quickly discovered the kukui nut oil’s moisturizing properties and have been utilizing them ever since.

What is kukui nut oil?

As the state tree of Hawaii, kukui has been an invaluable resource for Hawaiian culture and tradition throughout centuries. Introduced to the the islands by wayfaring Polynesians, the kukui trees are large and dominating, and can be found throughout the state today.

Aside from a great source of food, parts of the tree were used to make paints and dyes, as well as to build strong canoes for voyaging. The seeds were also dried to make leis, and oil was perfect for lighting in the evening.

From applying it on skin for joint pain to drinking it for sore throats, the native Hawaiians found benefits in each part of the plant. It was an integral part of their day-to-day lives. Though these uses for kukui nut are not as prominent now, the oil is still very popular today. Commonly used as a massage oil, Hawaiians also use it for skin and hair rejuvenation, and moisturizing processes.

Hawaiian woman

How does it work?

The oil found in kukui nuts absorbs into the skin much faster and deeper than most natural oils. Additionally, the non-greasy feeling of the kukui nut oil makes it perfect for almost any skin type. It is said to contain fatty acids, antioxidants, as well as some crucial vitamins like A, E and F. It’s considered to be a fantastic natural anti-aging and rejuvenation oil, addressing the inevitable wrinkles and dry skin. It has also been used as a treatment for sunburns, acne, and to heal wounds. For those with dry and damaged hair, a simple application of kukui nut oil is trusted by the Hawaiian population to set it right.

The oil can provide help for wrinkles and dry skin

Where can you find it?

Because kukui trees are so rampant throughout the islands of Hawaii, you are more than welcome to travel there yourself and scavenge the nuts from beneath the trees. An easier way to go about reaping the benefits of this oil is to find kukui nut oil products online. Places like the Kona Natural Soap Company sell 100% kukui nut oil. You can also shop online to find different varieties of kukui oil products. To get the most effective results, buy the oil itself with no additives. The essential, concentrated oils are always going to be best for you and your skin.

Kukui nut trees are rampant throughout the islands of Hawaii
landscape with balloons floating in the air


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