Swap Your Retreat for a Private Jet Wellness Tour This Year

Amankila Indonesia
Amankila Indonesia | © Amanresorts Limited

The cramped seats, over-salted food, and recycled air synonymous with flying economy make for an unhealthy start to any vacation, and feel particularly counter-intuitive if you’re en route to a yoga retreat. Thankfully, luxury travel specialist Aman has a solution, in the form of wellness tours by private jet—so you can journey from beachfront meditation sessions to hilltop sun salutations in complete comfort.

If you’re lucky enough to have a rather plump budget and two weeks to dedicate to self-improvement, self-care and tropical shenanigans, Aman’s two excursions—embarking in September and October 2017—offer a whole lot more than your average retreat.

The tours—which stop at high-end resorts in either Indonesia, the Philippines, and Vietnam; or India, Sri Lanka, and Thailand—are being led by wellness industry specialists, including body-rolling pioneer Yamuna Zake, founder of the Garuda Pilates Method James D’Silva, and Eyal Chehanowski, a structural integration expert and yoga teacher.

Amanpuri, Thailand

Guests will collaborate with these specialists to create a personalized wellness program targeted to their specific needs and interests, including yoga, Pilates, footwork, breathwork, and body-rolling. The religious legacy of the countries visited will introduce a spiritual element often overlooked on standard healthy getaways—an essential part of the mind-body-soul wellness paradigm.

And when they’re not busy working out the kinks in their physical and mental health, an itinerary of cultural adventures takes guests on tiger safari in Rajasthan, to creative workshop visits in Bali and colonial history tours in Sri Lanka.

Amanoi, Vietnam

Given that Asia has some of the most idyllic diamond-dust beaches on earth, a significant portion of the schedule is also dedicated to relaxing shoreside. The Philippines is famous for its secluded islands, and Aman guests will jet direct to Pamalican—a 2.5 kilometer (1.55 mile) slither of land that rests on a flourishing coral reef, home to giant turtles and rays.

Amanpulo Philippines

Trips are limited to a maximum number of 16 guests to guarantee the kind of exclusive, personalized attention you’d expect considering the cost of the ticket. By the end of your journey your body and mind will be feeling lighter. Not to mention your bank account—the tours will set you back a cool $55,000 per person.

landscape with balloons floating in the air


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