How This One Street Hosts Jamaica's Most Eclectic Street Art

Mural by Patasha
Mural by Patasha | © Paint Jamaica

Freelance Caribbean Writer

One of the most popular projects on the Jamaican contemporary art scene is the Paint Jamaica project, which has transformed the once-abandoned Fleet Street in Kingston into the most electric, art-covered street in the city. Learn more about the social street art project and the idea behind it from the founder, Marianna Farag.

CT: What is the story behind the creation of Paint Jamaica?

MF: I was always an avid traveller and a lover of art, so when I visited Jamaica in 2014 I sought out art centres, museums and artists. My search led me to Parade Gardens, an inner-city community in Kingston, where Fleet Street is located. I started to meet a lot of artists, and realised that the art scene here was incredible. Then I thought, “Why don’t we use street art to uplift communities in need?” That’s how the idea came to be.

Art by Taj Francis

CT: When did the project start?

Art by Becky Levy

CT: Who are the artists involved in Paint Jamaica?

MF: The murals are created by local professional artists and the residents of Parade Gardens. Taj Francis, Kokab Zohoori-Dossa, Matthew McCarthy, Paige Taylor, Jordanne Brandy and Randy Richards are a few of the artists that have contributed. There are many others.

Fleet Street – Paint Jamaica

CT: Are there any plans to expand beyond Fleet Street?

MF: Yes – as well as outside of Jamaica. There is a complete imbalance in the number of artists in Jamaica versus the outlets available to showcase their talents. We’re working on that.

Art by Djet Layne
Art by Patasha

Visit Paint Jamaica’s Facebook page to discover more of the stunning artwork you can find on Fleet Street.

landscape with balloons floating in the air


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