Forget Trump, Here's Why The 'Shithole Countries' Should Be On Your Bucket List

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Last week, President Trump referred to African nations as ‘shithole countries’, and spoke disparagingly about El Salvador and Haiti. During a discussion with US senators about immigration policy, the president used ‘racist’ language to describe these countries and expressed his frustration about immigrants coming from them to America.

We believe that these countries aren’t anything like the way President Trump describes, and are, in fact, full of beautiful locations we are desperate to visit. Below are some of the places on our bucket list.


Citadelle Laferrière

A stunning mountaintop fortress built after Haiti declared independence, this landmark is in fantastic condition and is an important symbol of strength and resistance for Haitians.

Gelee Beach

The longest stretch of sand in the country, this beach is next to open pasture, which makes for a gorgeous vista. Fishing boats bob on the horizon and the sweet smell of coconut floats on the breeze as you tuck into your seafood lunch.


You can swim in the pool of this huge waterfall. It’s surrounded by the kind of lush greenery that is typical of Haiti.

El Salvador


First settled in 5,000 BC, you won’t want to miss a trip to these seriously impressive Mayan ruins. Many remain unexcavated, so you can dream about Mayan civilisation while imagining the structures beneath your feet.

Lake Ilopango

This is one of the largest lakes in the country. It fills the crater of an extinct volcano, which is super cool. You can swim and dive to look for fish while surrounded by the glassy reflections of mountainous peaks.

Montecristo National Park

A natural cloud forest, you can see pumas, anteaters and spider monkeys in this national park. It’s got everything from 2,418 metre (7,933 foot) peaks to 30 metre (98 foot) trees.


Casbah of Algiers, Algeria

This location is made up of winding streets stuffed with mosques, palaces and homes, and is an unmissable attraction for any visitor. A UNESCO world heritage site, it is beautifully preserved and dates back to the Ottoman empire.

Victoria Falls, the border of Zambia and Zimbabwe

The African name for this famous waterfall is Mosi-oa-Tunya, ‘The Smoke that Thunders’, which refers to the incredible sound and spray from the water. It’s roughly twice the height of the Niagara Falls and is surrounded by a savannah home to lions, rhinos and hippos.

Sidi Bou Said, Tunisia

A picturesque village on the Mediterranean coast of Tunisia, this location has inspired artists and writers for many years. Originally a religious site, it’s inspired the likes of Matisse and Simone de Beauvoir. The colour scheme of white and blue houses, along with the turquoise water, make it a sight to behold.

The Sahara desert

This famous desert spans roughly 3.6 million square miles (9.4 million square kilometers), and reaches Algeria, Chad, Egypt, Libya, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, Niger, Sudan and Tunisia. Visiting the largest desert in the world means slow, soulful camel journals, nighttime fires and experiencing the best view of the stars that the world has to offer.

Serengeti National Park, Tanzania

If you’ve ever dreamed about seeing leopards, giraffe, lions, buffalo, rhinos and gazelles in their natural environment, this is where you need to be.

Marrakech souks, Morocco

These markets have existed for more than a thousand years. You can find everything you could ever want to buy here, from metalwork and tapestries to clothes and spices.

landscape with balloons floating in the air


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