The Most Beautiful Sunrises on Earth You Can Experience With Culture Trip

| DannyIacob / Adobe Stock
Gethin Morgan

Content and CRM Executive

Watching the day’s first light emerge is always an ethereal experience, but spend the break of dawn amid truly special surrounds and you’ll discover a new level of wonderment. Join Culture Trip on one of these small-group adventures and you’ll get to watch the most beautiful sunrises in the world shine right in front of your eyes.

The Great Wall of China at sunrise

The Great Wall of China

Your first encounter with the famous Great Wall on our 10-day Icons of China by Train trip will actually be a sunset hike but, having spent the night at a hotel in nearby Badaling, you’ll also have the chance to get up early the next day to see the sun return over one of the world’s most bucket-listed sights. A walk on the wall at any time of day offers incredible viewpoints looking out over the region’s seemingly endless range of lusciously forested peaks, with the old stone structure snaking its way up, down and across the mountains themselves. However, seeing the bright gaze of the sun poking its head above the uneven horizon, while walking along the Wall itself, is a moment you will never ever forget. It’s the majesty of Mother Nature matching, even elevating, the majesty of one of humankind’s greatest architectural achievements.

From US$2849

Next available from 18th May 2024

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Beijing, China

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Shanghai, China







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Angkor Wat at sunrise

Angkor Wat, Cambodia

We touched on the wondrous blend of human creation and natural splendour with the Great Wall of China, but this concept takes on a whole new level of meaning when the structure in question is a religious site. There is something inherently spiritual about the breaking of dawn, so why not fully embrace that feeling and watch the sun come up over the world’s largest religious structure? This 900 year-old temple complex has a tangible atmosphere. Whether it’s the intricacies of ancient Buddhist designs or the parts of Angkor Wat that have been slowly reclaimed by nature, something in the air makes this place feel as colossal as it looks. We challenge even the staunchest non-believer to remain unmoved by the gentle glow of the morning sun, rising above the temple and shimmering across its surrounding moat, soaking the entire area in an otherworldly reddish tint. That’s what you’ll get to experience on day four of our Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam trip. It’s not an itinerary short of beautiful temples or natural beauty, but it’s hard to argue that anything but an Angkor Wat sunrise will be the highlight of your holiday.

From US$2499

Next available from 25th Mar 2024

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Bangkok, Thailand

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Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam







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Sunrise at Mount Batur, Bali, Indonesia

Mount Batur, Bali

The main challenge on this list so far has just been getting up early which, guess what, you’re going to have to accept wherever the sunrise. If you really want to ramp up the feeling of reward, however, have we got the experience for you. Bali as a destination is pretty spiritual all over – be it in the ancient temple way or the expat yoga retreat way – but there’s no feeling quite as magical on this island as the feeling you get at the summit of Mount Batur at daybreak. You’ve climbed one of the island’s highest peaks – and an active volcano, for that matter – and now, just as dawn emerges, you get to bask in the beauty of Bali in its finest light. Depending on the weather, you might even find yourself above the clouds, making views across the island even more spectacular. If that isn’t worth a deep, soul-centering breath, we don’t know what is. Join our 12-day Blissful Bali trip and you’ll get to experience the beauty of Batur at sunrise for yourself.

From US$1929

Next available from 18th May 2024

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Bali, Indonesia

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Bali, Indonesia







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landscape with balloons floating in the air


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