A Guide to the Best Art Galleries in Kuwait

Kuwait is home to a host of excellent galleries, showcasing the work of local talent and artists from further afield
Kuwait is home to a host of excellent galleries, showcasing the work of local talent and artists from further afield | © Yasser Al-Zayyat / Getty Images
Nikita Carol Ferrao

A trip to the art galleries in Kuwait can be informative and enthralling. But which ones are a “must-visit”?

A large number of art galleries focused on promoting Kuwaiti artists have cropped up around Kuwait in recent years. With plenty of successful local artists eager to showcase their work and a receptive audience of both local and expatriate art lovers, the country’s gallery scene is thriving. Local galleries are meeting spots for artists and art lovers who gather to enjoy the best creative works and inspiring exhibitions presented by artists from around the world. Here is a guide to some of the best art galleries in Kuwait.

1. Contemporary Art Platform

Art Gallery

Contemporary Art Platform (CAP) is a non-profit private organisation founded in 2011 by art collector Amer Huneidi. CAP is dedicated to developing and supporting the arts in Kuwait and throughout the region. The gallery aims to encourage and support emerging and established artists and art lovers through their exhibitions. With a public arts library, a rotating schedule of film screenings, studio space for hire, a series of lectures and workshops led by both local and international artists, a trip to CAP could easily become a full day out. CAP is divided into three parts: CAP main exhibition space for curated and collective exhibitions, the Art Room and the Design Room. CAP’s growing public art library includes books and magazines about art and design, architecture, artist biographies and much more.

2. Boushahri Gallery


Established in 1982, Boushahri Gallery is the brainchild of Jawad Boushahri, the Chairman of Boushahri Group as well as one of Kuwait’s renowned sculptors and supporters of the arts. As one of the oldest private art galleries in the Middle Eastern region, Boushahri Gallery has opened multiple avenues for rising local and internationally acclaimed artists alike. The mediums displayed are primarily sculptures, ceramic arts, photographs and paintings. Although originally set up to highlight Kuwaiti arts and artists, in recent years established international sculptors and painters have displayed their works at the gallery. Boushahri Gallery also holds a variety of activities such as creative competitions for budding artists. The gallery also includes an extensive art library alongside the exhibition space.

4. Dar Al Funoon Gallery

Art Gallery

Since its inception in 1994, Dar Al Funoon has played a major role in not only promoting emerging artists from the region but also encouraging and inspiring the public to take interest in the world of contemporary art. The intention is to help these individuals to develop their professional career and demonstrate the diversity of contemporary art in a wide range of styles, ideas, approaches and forms. Some artists whose paintings have been displayed include Reza Derakshani and Hussein Baalbaki. The Dar Al Funoon Gallery also hosts art and fashion fusion events such as exhibitions created by Abdullah Al Saab.

5. Sultan Gallery

Art Gallery, Building

For more than 40 years, the Sultan Gallery has played an important role in introducing Arab artists to broader audiences and helping to establish a vital dialogue among artists and institutions working internationally. Located in a renovated warehouse, the Sultan Gallery’s exhibition space is easily transformable to suit the artist whose work is being displayed. Although the Gallery pays special attention to contemporary photography, it also takes pride in supporting up-and-coming artists, and occasionally displays experimental works incorporating the use of sound, video and performance art. Since its inception, many leading Arab and Kuwaiti artists have held exhibitions here.
landscape with balloons floating in the air


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