8 Reasons Why You Should Visit Kaunas Over Vilnius

Kaunas Castle
Kaunas Castle | ©patrick janicek/Flickr
Kasparas Asmonaitis

Vilnius is without a doubt the most popular destination for those traveling to Lithuania. Even though the capital of Lithuania is a wonderful place to visit, people should not forget about Kaunas, the second biggest city in Lithuania, because it also has plenty to offer! Here are the reasons why you should visit Kaunas instead of Vilnius.


Kaunas Žalgiris, the historic Lithuanian basketball club, is located in Kaunas, making it the capital of Lithuanian basketball. If you want to see the real game of basketball in Lithuania, you must visit Žalgiris Arena. With all due respect to Siemens Arena in Vilnius, it has nothing on Žalgiris Arena.


Freedom Avenue

The mayor of Kaunas

Kaunas has the most interesting mayor, who is not afraid to make bold and extravagant decisions. He is definitely a unique person, and his little promo video in which he is driving a Ferrari explains his character better than any words could describe.

European Capital of Culture 2022

Kaunas will become the European Capital of Culture in 2022, and that is a great achievement for any city in Europe! It only proves how hard people in Kaunas have worked to get the acknowledgment and also, it is one of the signs that Kaunas is becoming an increasingly popular place to visit every day. You have to see why Europeans think that Kaunas is worthy of being the cultural capital of Europe for yourself.

Kaunas has fewer tourists

As of today, Vilnius is still a much more touristy city than Kaunas, meaning that the former is noisier and more crowded. If you want to enjoy the best that Kaunas has to offer on your own or with your closest friends, you must do it as soon as possible, because Kaunas won’t stay hidden for much longer.

Kaunas Town Hall Square

It is cheaper

From food to accommodations to souvenirs, most of the things are way cheaper in Kaunas compared to Vilnius. So, if you are traveling on a tight budget but still want to relax and be able to buy some treats for yourself, make sure to book your ticket to Kaunas instead of Vilnius.

Kaunas is greener

Even though there are plenty of wonderful parks in Vilnius, Kaunas is still a much greener place! Nemunas, the largest river in Lithuania, flows through Kaunas. There are also many parks and alleys where you can go for a morning stroll or have a family picnic.

Kaunas lagoon

Meet Lithuanians

If you want to learn more about traditional Lithuanian culture, you should visit Kaunas, as it is known as the city where people maintain the old traditions and customs. Vilnius is a spectacular and tolerant multicultural city, but you should opt for Kaunas if you want to feel and taste the real Lithuania.

landscape with balloons floating in the air


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