24 Pictures That Will Make You Fall in Love with Estonia's National Parks

Waterfalls at Lahemaa
Waterfalls at Lahemaa | ©UrmasHaljaste/Shutterstock
Elizabeth Georgian

Estonia is home to incredible nature, elusive wildlife, and hearty plant species. Approximately one fifth of Estonia is a national park or forest, so visitors will be treated to impressive natural views. The Culture Trip has collected 24 of the most stunning photographs we could find that best illustrate the natural beauty of Estonia’s parks.

Lahemaa National Park

Lahemaa National Park starts off our list because it is both the oldest and the largest national park in Estonia.

Look out at Lahemaa

Located in northern Estonia along the Gulf of Finland, Lahemaa National Park is home to rare and wonderful plant species as well as charismatic animals.

Visitors can expect to hike by the sea and through marshes, dense forest, and bogs full of wild edible berries.

Tea house in Lahemaa National Park

Lahemaa National Park also boasts beautiful waterfalls.

Waterfalls at Lahemaa

Marvel at old growth forest, seaside habitats, and riverbeds.

Old growth forest

An impressive white windmill can also be observed in Lahemaa National Park.

Windmill in Lahemaa

Along the Gulf of Finland the park features beautiful rocks and crystal clear waters.

Rock in Lahemaa

Korvemaa Nature Reserve

Korvemaa Nature Reserve is located in Harju County in Northern Estonia.

Korvemaa Nature Reserve

This is the third largest nature reserve in Estonia, and it is known for its quality birding.

Blooming orchids

Orchids, thistles, and mosses are among the numerous plant species found here.


Walk through the pine forests and watch the dappled sunlight filter through the pine needles.

Pine forests

Soomaa National Park

Soomaa National Park is special because it floods yearly, allowing only water access certain times a year.

Soomaa National Park

This creates some stunning swamp and bog landscapes that can be visited via boardwalks or small boat.

Sunset at Soomaa National Park

Soomaa National Park also has several wheelchair accessible trails.

Soomaa National Park

Take the popular Beaver Trail to spot these furry creatures or their log-pile homes.

Hop in a boat and see the stunning nature protected by Soomaa National Park.

Annual flooding at Soomaa

Matsalu National Park

Matsalu National Park is located in southern Estonia along the Matsalu Bay and the Kasari River.

At sunset

Matsalu National Park is considered one of the top birding destinations in Europe.

View of Matsalu National Park

Approximately 250 bird species have been observed passing through Matsalu National Park during the fall migration.

Moose at Matsalu

Matsalu National Park also is home to many animal species and is a great place to spot moose.

Views at Matsalu

Vilsandi National Park

Vilsandi National Park comprises numerous islands including Vilsandi and the western portion of Saaremaa.

The park is known for its marine environments and animals including seals.

Land based sights to see include beautiful lighthouses set along the coast.

Vilsandi Lighthouse

Visitors can also enjoy hiking, bird watching, and fishing at Vilsandi National Park.

















landscape with balloons floating in the air


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