Stunning Pictures That Prove Costa Rica is a Surfing Lover's Dream

Waves for days
Waves for days | © Tommy Michael BADFish Photography
Jenn Parker

Costa Rica and surfing go hand and hand. With two long coasts dotted with beach breaks, point break, and hidden spots that only work with very specific swell conditions, Costa Rica is a wave haven. If we all play by the rules (as a visitor, it is crucial you respect the locals and abide by the rules of surfing), there are plenty of waves for everyone! So grab a stick and head out for a surf – the waves are calling.

Racy barrels
Long lines
Glassy conditions
Surfer for life
Dreamy last light surf
Empty peeler
Doesn’t get much better than this!
High five in the green room
Shade in the backyard
Float on
Low tide lines
Black Magic
Get out there and surf
You could be on this wave
So playful
Never miss a sunset
Last wave of the day
Surfer’s paradise
Solitude at sunset
landscape with balloons floating in the air


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