Must-Visit Attractions in Rome, Italy

Rome is renowned for its many works of art, such as this statue of Neptune at Piazza Navona
Rome is renowned for its many works of art, such as this statue of Neptune at Piazza Navona | © Piola666 / iStock
James Taylor

The Italian capital is a fascinating city that offers a wide range of tourist attractions. From ancient ruins to world-class galleries and lively piazzas, fall in love with Rome and all its beauty with Culture Trip’s list of the best must-visit attractions.

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When it comes to Rome, there is no shortage of attractions to visit. History buffs will be drawn to the wealth of archaeological sites – from the Colosseum to the Roman Forum – while art lovers can admire the glittering Vatican treasures, including Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel ceiling.

1. Colosseum

Archaeological site

Low Angle View Of Coliseum
© Marco Rubino / EyeEm / Getty Images

The most famous sight in all of Rome is its ancient gladiatorial arena, the Colosseum. Also known as the Flavian Amphitheatre, the 2,000-year-old structure once held up to 50,000 spectators. As the site of epic gladiator battles, roaring crowds and jeering emperors, the historic atmosphere of this bloody arena is palpable. No trip to the capital would be complete without visiting it to discover what life might have been like in ancient Rome.

3. Roman Forum

Archaeological site, Ruins, Historical Landmark

Forum Romanum at sunrise
© traumlichtfabrik / iStock

Once the centre of public life in ancient Rome, the Roman Forum is an impressive set of ruins and among the most important archaeological areas in the world. Dating back to the seventh century BCE, the site is filled with crumbling remains of Roman temples and government buildings. Most important among the ruins are the Temple of Caesar, the Arch of Titus and the Sacred Way, the road down which the Roman centurions would march when returning home from battle.

4. Domus Aurea


people exploring antique roman ruins being restored
© Andrea Izzotti / Alamy Stock Photo

If you know only one thing about Emperor Nero, know this: the man was famed for incredible acts of self-indulgence. Domus Aurea is his golden imperial estate, the most aesthetically overwhelming buildings at the time and a testament to his gaudy reputation. Now an active archaeological site, digital re-creations of what the estate would have looked like in its heyday (think intricate mosaics, resplendent artificial lakes and colourful frescoes) allow you to catch a glimpse into the mind of the opulent Emperor Nero.

5. St Peter’s Basilica


Vatican City
© Laszlo Szirtesi / Getty Images
No trip to Rome would be complete without a visit to St Peter’s Basilica, the largest and most important church in Italy. Consecrated in 1626 after over 100 years of construction, the basilica is among the holiest sites for the Christian faith and a grand example of Renaissance architecture. Inside, you’ll find the burial site of Saint Peter of the 12 Apostles of Jesus Christ alongside celebrated artworks such as Michelangelo’s Pietà. There also is the remarkable dome, the tallest in the world to this day.

6. Vatican Museums


© Pierpaolo Cito / Getty Images
It could take years to fully explore the Vatican Museums, one of the largest museum complexes in the world. The entire collection contains over 70,000 pieces, collected by the various popes throughout the centuries, featuring celebrated and significant classical sculptures, renaissance art and ancient artefacts. Must-see works include Michelangelo’s famous frescoes inside the Sistine Chapel (including The Creation of Adam on the ceiling), the Raphael Rooms and the Gallery of Maps.

7. Castel Sant’Angelo

Historical Landmark

Ponte SantAngelo in front of Castel SantAngelo in Rome at sunset with tourists and statues
© Andrea Colarieti / Getty Images
The Castel Sant’Angelo is an instantly recognisable fortress on the banks of the Tiber River, constructed by Emperor Hadrian in the second century as a mausoleum for himself and his family. In the sixth century, it was used as a castle by Pope Gregory the Great and provided a secure refuge to a number of different popes over the centuries in times of strife; there’s even a secret tunnel that connects the fortress directly to the Vatican. Visitors are treated to the building’s rich history through exhibitions of paintings, sculptures and Medieval weapons.

8. Pantheon

Building, Church

Rome, Italy
© nejdetduzen / iStock
In a city of ancient ruins, the Pantheon is the best-preserved out of all of them. The temple – believed to be over 2,000 years old – was originally dedicated to the pagan gods. Guided tours reveal how the building has been an intrinsic part of Rome since its consecration as a church in the seventh century, inspiring Italy’s master Renaissance painters, including Raphael (who chose the Pantheon as his final resting place). Most impressive, however, is the soaring concrete dome inside, the largest and crowning architectural achievement of the ancient Romans.

9. Circo Massimo

Historical Landmark

Circus Maximus
© Gerald Heinisch / Getty Images

Home of chariot racing in the sixth century, Circo Massimo once held up to 250,000 spectators and was among the most important public spaces in Rome. On top of the races, it also hosted classic gladiator battles in front of the roaring crowds. Today, the city still holds large outdoor concerts in the space, which lies at the base of the Palatine and Aventine Hills, both of which provide panoramic views over the ancient city.

10. Baths of Caracalla

Archaeological site, Historical Landmark

Baths of Caracalla-Rome,Italy
© Bruce Ingwall / Getty Images

In a city that once had hundreds of public bath complexes, Terme di Caracalla is among the most important and impressive ones that remain. Constructed in the third century, the original bath complex covered up to 25ha (62 acres), the second largest in the whole of Rome. Today, the central bathhouse makes up most of the remains. The Rome Opera even hosts impressive musical and ballet performances inside the ruins.

11. Galleria Borghese

Museum, Park

The Borghese Gallery Celebrates The Art Of Gian Lorenzo Bernini
© Stefano Montesi / Getty Images
After the Vatican Museums, the Galleria Borghese contains the most famous collection of art in Rome. Once the private collection of the noble (and immensely wealthy) Borghese family, it passed into the hands of the Italian government at the beginning of the 20th century and has since been counted among the greatest art museums in the world. There are countless highlights to see, but the most impressive works are Caravaggio’s Saint Jerome Writing, Bernini’s The Rape of Proserpina and Titian’s Sacred and Profane Love. The gallery is located on the grounds of Villa Borghese.

12. Villa Farnesina


Painted Ceiling of the Loggia of Cupid & Psyche (1518) by Raphael, in the Renaissance Villa Farnesina, built 1506-1510
© Chris Hellier / Alamy Stock Image
A 16th-century villa located in Trastevere, Villa Farnesina was built for the banker Agostino Chigi and is among the finest buildings in Rome from the Italian Renaissance period. The interior dazzles visitors with its beautiful frescoes from the Italian masters Raphael, Sebastiano del Piombo and Baldassare Peruzzi. After exploring the impressive villa, the guided tour, which is led by an art historian, delves into the surrounding Trastevere, among the city’s most charming neighbourhoods and a favourite spot for noble Roman families to build their summer villas.

13. Capitoline Museums


A statue of Romulus and Remus suckling from a wolf
© EHStock / Getty Images
Dating back to 1471, the Capitoline Museums are the oldest public museums in the world. The collection contains Italy’s finest ancient sculptures, bronze statues and busts, all of which were amassed by Pope Sixtus IV during the 15th century. There is also a gallery displaying an impressive collection of Medieval and Renaissance art. Small-group tours put the entire complex into context as they explain how Michelangelo came to design the entire area.

14. Museum of the Ara Pacis


Museum of the Ara Pacis (Museo dellAra Pacis) housing Ara Pacis monument
© Iain Masterton / Alamy Stock Photo

The Ara Pacis (Altar of Peace) is a large marble sculpture built in the year 9BCE during the reign of Emperor Augustus. As Rome’s first emperor, Augustus led its transition from a republic to an empire after the assassination of his great-uncle, Julius Caesar, ushering in one of the longest eras of relative peace in Roman history. The altar is now housed inside the Ara Pacis Museum, a contemporary glass building (the only one built in Rome’s historic centre since World War II) designed by American architect Richard Meier.

15. Piazza Navona


Fountain of Neptune, Piazza Navona, Rome, Italy
© Joe Daniel Price / Getty Images
Showcasing Rome in all of its splendour and glory, the Piazza Navona is an enormous open-air square with baroque fountains, street artists and a healthy dose of gawking tourists. The impressive baroque church Sant’Agnese in Agone dominates one side of the piazza, while Bernini’s famous Fountain of Four Riversis in the centre. There’s also a treasure buried beneath this busy spot. Delve underneath to find the Stadium of Domitian, part of a Unesco World Heritage site and an athletics venue of ancient Rome, where sportsmen competed in running, gymnastics and other sports, while slaves battled as gladiators.

16. The Spanish Steps

Historical Landmark

Fontana della Barcaccia in Piazza di Spagna with Spanish Steps
© minemero / iStock
Connecting Piazza di Spagna with the impressive Chiesa della Trinità dei Monti, the Spanish Steps are one of the busiest tourist hotspots in Rome. Financed by a French diplomat to connect the church to the piazza, the steps were constructed in 1725 and became a popular spot for English travellers on their Grand Tours in the late 18th century. That popularity endures, and, today, the steps are among the best locations in Rome where you can people-watch.

17. Piazza Venezia

Historical Landmark

The altar of the fatherland, Vittoriano
© Francesco Cantone / Getty Images

Another of the most important squares in Rome, the Piazza Venezia lies in the heart of the city, with important historical buildings, museums and art galleries surrounding it. At its centre is the eye-catching Vittoriano Memorial, honouring Vittorio Emanuele II, the first king of a united Italy. Most impressive of the buildings is the Palazzo Venezia, where Mussolini would famously make his speeches from the balcony of the Globe Room to roaring crowds below. The palazzo is now a museum dedicated to Renaissance art, ancient bronze statues and Medieval weaponry.

18. Campo de’ Fiori


Campo De Fiori, Rome
© Eva Katalin / Getty Images
For those looking to experience everyday Roman life, visiting Campo de’ Fiori is a must. During the day, this piazza hosts one of the most popular markets in the city, where residents go to stock up on fresh produce from the surrounding countryside. Campo de’ Fiori translates to “field of flowers”, referencing the time before the market’s development in the 15th century when it was simply a field where public executions took place. Among those who were executed was the Italian philosopher Giordano Bruno, a statue of whom now stands in the centre of the square.

19. Piazza del Popolo

Historical Landmark

Piazza del Popolo
© ZX-6R / iStock
Among the most majestic piazzas in Rome, the Piazza del Popolo is almost perfectly symmetrical. With fountains on either side, twin churches at its southern base and an Egyptian obelisk rising from the centre, it’s incredibly photogenic – especially as you climb the steps to the Pincio Terrace, where the views of the square and surrounding cityscape are some of the most coveted in Rome. Its size makes it a popular spot for concerts on balmy summer evenings.

20. Trevi Fountain

Historical Landmark

Trevi Fountain, rome, Italy.
© Ventdusud / Getty Images

An impressive example of baroque architecture, the Trevi Fountain is among the most famous fountains in the world. It contains sculptures of many different fabled figures and wild horses, made from white travertine stone. Don’t forget to toss a coin into the water before you leave; this ensures that you’ll return to Rome in the future.

Still not sure if Rome should be your next holiday destination? Maybe our reasons everyone should visit Rome at least once will convince you. If you already know you want to come to Rome but don’t fancy the hustle and bustle of the city, why not check out the best nearby beaches? While you’re in the Eternal City, make sure to try Italian staples such as pasta and espresso at the best pasta restaurants and cafes in town before you recharge your batteries at one of the best boutique hotels you’ll find here.

This article is an updated version of a story created by Livia Hengel.

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