11 Lao Instagrammers You Should Follow Right Now

When in Lao
When in Lao | © Ja M IL/Courtesy of the Artist | https://web.facebook.com/Fweakz

Not yet ready to pack your bags for Southeast Asia’s landlocked gem? Worry not. You can get your fill of the mountains, rivers, temples, and beautiful Lao people by following these 11 Instagrammers documenting Laos.

Laos Pictures

Laos Pictures posts stunning images of Lao people, popular tourist destinations and little known rural villages. The goal of the page is to increase people’s awareness of Laos as a tourist destination. The same organisation also runs a Facebook page.


Laos Tourism


Phoiphailin “Chichi” Sivilay

ChiChiSvl is a Lao native from Vientiane who is currently living in London. The famous fashionista shares plenty of selfies, brunch pics and European architecture. It’s East meets West on her account and we promise you’ll be smitten.


Laos Buffalo Dairy

Cheese! Ice cream! Baby animals! Laos Buffalo Dairy’s page is a fun combination of the Luang Prabang-based farm’s daily activities and its famous natural wonders and delicious dairy products.


Louknum Thidalat Vongsili

Louknum Thidalat Vongsili was Miss Lao 2011. Her feed chronicles her modelling and acting career from runways to commercial photo shoots and special events. Louknum promotes products she likes and offers beauty tips.


The Lao Disabled Women’s Centre

The Lao Disabled Women’s Center feed showcases lovey handicrafts carefully made by the women in training who learn vocational skills to take back to their village. The feed also shows the artisans in action.


From Laos With Love

From Laos With Love is a feed full of images that make Laos look like a magical storybook. Check out temples, waterfalls, restaurants, and of course, the stunning Lao sunsets.


Ali Al-Nassar

Ali Al-Nassar is a food and travel photographer who first visited Laos in 2010. He now splits his time between Los Angeles and Vientiane. His feed is filled with delicious things to eat from around the world including a heavy dose of Lao cuisine. “Laos is such an amazing place with a rich history and amazing scenery,” he said.


Everyday Laos

Everyday Laos is exactly what it sounds like. Each day a new, beautiful slice of life photo from Laos is posted on their Instagram and Facebook pages. Followers can submit their own photography for the chance to be featured.


Siewphing Xayyalinh

Siewphing Xayyalinh is a Lao TV personality and host on LaoStar TV. The model and actress has an Instagram feed full of Lao fashion that brings traditional style into the 21st century.


My Lao Life

Marie is an Australian who has been living in Laos since 2015. She chronicles the things she sees and the people she encounters through her Instagram account and her blog called A Life Without Boarders.


landscape with balloons floating in the air


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