10 Mouthwatering Moroccan Breakfasts to Try

Breakfast al fresco in Morocco
Breakfast al fresco in Morocco | © Rakbo Team / Flickr
Sarah Williams

Starting your day with a hearty, tasty, and satisfying breakfast is especially important when travelling; you need enough energy for your days of sightseeing and adventures! Plus, you get the chance to sample more local cuisine and see what local people eat at different times of the day. Read on to find out what to eat in the morning when visiting Morocco.

It’s worth keeping in mind that breakfast in Morocco is quite a basic affair, especially when compared to the rich flavours and abundant ingredients found in other meals. Bread is a common breakfast food. Despite the simple nature of breakfast in Morocco, you’ll almost certainly find that you stay full until lunchtime.

Fried Egg with Olives

One of the most traditional Moroccan breakfasts, many Moroccans love to tuck into a basic plate comprising a fried egg with a runny yoke, a handful of black olives, soft cheese, and a large helping of oil, generally olive oil. Honey might also be served. Bread is used to scoop up the various ingredients and the combination of flavours works surprisingly well together.

A traditional Moroccan breakfast of fried egg and olives with cheese and oil

Khlea is a type of dried meat. For breakfast, it is paired with fried eggs for a delicious combination of textures and flavours. As with most meals in Morocco, it is served with thick chunks of bread. A glass of freshly squeezed orange juice, mint tea, milk, or milky coffee is perfect for washing breakfast down.

Tourists enjoying breakfast in Morocco


Msemen is a square crepe-like type of bread. It may be served with sides of honey, butter, and soft cheese for dipping. Alternatively, it may be already have been spread with honey and soft cheese (usually the brand La Vache Qui Rit, known in English as The Laughing Cow) and rolled up for an easy breakfast on the move.


B’ssara is a filling bean soup. The main ingredient is blended fava beans, and the dish has some kick thanks to the addition of chillies and cumin. It is topped with a dollop of olive oil. Eaten with bread, it certainly keeps hunger pangs at pay throughout the morning. Although the vast majority of Moroccans do not actively seek out food in the morning to combat the effects of a hangover, b’ssara could be a great choice for living your stomach if you’ve over-indulged the previous night.

A dish of yellow b’ssara with various other dishes for a hearty Moroccan breakfast


Mortadella is a type of packaged meat. It’s typically made from chicken and turkey, though the large, thick sausage may also contain beef. In contrast to the mortadella found in non-Islamic nations, Moroccan mortadela does not contain pork or any other meat from pigs. The meat is sliced for breakfast and typically eaten with French-style bread and soft cheese.

Chicken mortadella, a popular meat at breakfast time in Morocco

Selection of Fruit

Fruit may be served with other breakfast dishes, though it can also be eaten alone, or with plain yoghurt, for a quick and easy morning meal. The most common types of fruit eaten for breakfast in Morocco include bananas, apples, oranges, and grapes. Pomegranate may also be enjoyed when in season.

Juicy ripe pomegranates


Loubia is a bean-based dish, served warm with bread, typically khobz. Loubia is made from white beans in a spicy tomato sauce. Another ingredient is salted lemon, adding a tangy twist. It’s normal for this dish to be eaten in a restaurant in Morocco rather than at home.

A dish of loubia in the middle of the table


Sfenj are a type of deep-fried Moroccan fritter. Families may buy them early in the morning from a local seller; it is not common for people to actually make them at home. Especially delicious when eaten while still hot, the crispy, sweet treats are ideal for people who need to appease their sweet tooth when they wake up.

Moroccan sfenj sprinkled with sugar


Bagrir is a spongy type of bread-cum-pancake that is made from semolina flour. It has many air pockets and holes on the top, giving it a light and airy texture. Generally served when still warm, it is spread with butter and honey for a simultaneously sweet and salty taste.


Harcha is another type of Moroccan bread made from semolina flour. Large and round, people tear away chunks of the bread to dip in honey and soft cheese. It has a slightly gritty texture and a buttery taste.

Pre-cut chunks of harcha in the centre of the plate

Omelets, boiled eggs – sometimes sliced in half and liberally sprinkled with cumin and salt, sweet Moroccan pastries, spiced lentils, and a soft and sour cheese called jiben might also be found on the breakfast table. Croissants and other French pastries can also be enjoyed, a reminder from the times of French colonialism in Morocco. The various breads may also be served with amlou, a dip made from the locally produced argan oil, almonds, and honey.

landscape with balloons floating in the air


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